Chapter 6

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The Circus Control room. They found Grace and Cole banging on the vent. Hannah whispered. "Cole! Grace! We are over here.". "Hannah!?" Grace screamed. " Help! She's there! She's there!" Cole pointed. But the herd could not see what Cole was pointing at. " Help us get out of here!" Grace yelled. Cole dived into the vent, Then the door closed. " Help!" Grace said banging on the vent. She got pulled by Circus Baby's claw. " AHHH!" Grace screamed. " Grace!!" Cora screamed. " Grace..." Calvin turned pale. " I'm sure she's still alive." Cole tried to cheer Calvin up. " But I saw her! She got grabbed and pushed INTO circus baby's belly!! There was blood! And there was her hand..." Calvin stutters. Just then, They heard a stomp. It kept happening. They looked through the vent. " Guys run!" Calvin screamed. They crawled through the vent as fast as they could, they twisted and turned, " I think we lost her." Cora sighed. " I.....Grace..she..She's gone." Calvin slumped. "Calvin, We have to make it out alive, We can't lose anyone else. Please." Cora cried. "I won't allow anyone else to get hurt." Calvin stood up. " Never." Levi followed. They got out of the vents and looked at what room they were in. " Woah." Cora exclaimed. There were mascots of Freddy, Chica, And Bonnie. "I can't believe it!" Hannah Squealed. Just then, Cora spotted a closet. "Guy check it out!". Levi, Cole, Calvin, And Hannah walked to where Cora was standing. "What is it?" Cora wondered. " I don't know." Calvin answered. " I think we should open it together." Hannah demanded. They pushed and pushed the door open. There he was, Foxy. Funtime Foxy. "Ahh!" Cora screamed, "What happened!!" Hannah yelled. " Hehehe...I tripped." Cora laughed. "Your leg is bleeding!" Calvin screamed. " Oh..." Cora cried. Just then, They heard a squeal. " I don't think it's safe here anymore." Calvin said. Just then, Funtime Freddy started moving from side to side, His eyes gleamed red. " RUN!!" Cora yelled. They all started running through the vents when they noticed Cora was injured. " Cora!" Calvin turned around. She was being carried out of the room in Freddy's shoulder. " Help!! Let me go!" Cora screamed. She wailed and scrambled but she could not get free. " NO!!!" Calvin cried. " We're losing everyone!" Hannah cried. " She's not gone!" Cole exclaimed. " What do you mean!" Hannah yelled in rage. " She got carried away, But she did not die!" Cole argued. " You're right!!" Calvin said. " She might be alive!" Levi squealed. " But how are we going to find her?" Calvin asked sadly. "We can't risk anyone else and I mean it." Hannah sternly said. "Come on!" Levi pushed them. " We're gonna find our friends." Levi yelled. " You mean Cora. Because Grace.." Calvin stopped. "Come on, let's find at least one of our friends!!" Hannah screamed.

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