Chapter 10 (Grace's perspective)

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I woke up in a strange closet. I feel so much pain in my hand. I look at it quickly. But I see nothing. My hand got ripped off in the spring lock suit. I wonder where my friends were. "How am I alive?!" I think. But then, I see a piece of metal in my hand bone. " What?!!!!" I think. " HELP!!!" I yell. I felt unbearable. I couldn't move. I was stuck in a dark closet, but I was used to the dark because we all had been stuck in this terrible restaurant for hours and because I could see in the dark. Or what I thought it felt like. I try looking around. I couldn't move, all the blood from my hand, Draining my power, I was losing time. I try opening the door. But it was stuck and wouldn't move an inch. " Help!!" I yell and wail.

"Where do you think Grace would be?" Calvin kept asking me. He found a FNAF map and looked at it. It looked like there were two closets. From the way I was walking, Grace was in the other closet, I'd hoped. "Follow me!" I whisper. I start sprinting faster, Everyone is following me, Trying to keep up. " Wait up!" Levi screams because he was in the back. I quickly found the nearest closet. It's in the kitchen, I'd hope Grace was alive.

" Grace!" Cora screams at the closet while twisting the knob. " Cora?!" Grace answers. "Grace!!???" She screams in relief. " Help, I'm stuck..." Cora heard. She grabbed a big pork knife and flung it at the door. The door finally breaks free after a couple of tries. Cora see's Grace in horror. " GRACE!!!!!!" Calvin leaps in front of her. " Are you okay?" Levi asks. " Oh my god, I thought you were dead!" Calvin cried in horror as well after seeing her arm. " What?" Grace asks. " Your arm....It's like...all.....Metal?... Cora mumbled

"...RUN!" Calvin yelled, Grace's skin peels off to reveal a wired amalgamation "@#%$@#*#" yelled. Continuing with more gibberish. "AHHHHHHHHH!" A high-pitched scream echoed through the corridors. Calvin panting stopped and looked abound Freddy, Funtime Freddy. " Run the other way!" He screamed. " AH!" Cora screams. Everyone turned the other way, Freddy following them while they ran for their lives. Grace, Having no Idea what was happening, Turned around too late and got caught by Funtime Freddy.

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