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(Clara's prov)
I was Walking around in Paris thinking on that I wanted to adopt a dog, cat or maby a child. My phone started calling and snaped me out of my thouths. I looked at it and it was Martina one of my best friends but she lives in Argentina. I moved away from her and her father and all the other ones from Violetta and my family. And it has been 4 years now and I realy missed all of them so I answered. "Hi Clara are you there?" "Yeah Tini it's me"" Why havent you come back? Dad needs you and I need you and everyone needs you.""Tini you have to understand that it is hard for me to not see you guys but it is for the best.""Fine for now but if you wanna come home to Argentina or just visit then you can always come to us.""Well thx Tini I Will see if I can come visit sometime. Bye""Yay well tell me if you can. I miss you bye" then I hang up and after a little bitt my phone started calling agian but now it was my other Best friend but she lives in Paris not so far from me so I answered "Hi Marie how are you?""Hi Clara I'm good and u?""well I good but I feel lonly so I was thinking of adopting a animal or a child."" Well that is a good idea but I am going to lett you think. Bye""bye Marie."

(Mac's prov)
I was sitting in the Window in the orphanages looking out and thinking when the nice women that lived her came to me and asked of I wanted some food becouse everyone else was eating but I dident answered. She just said that if i wanted anything I could just come down to her. I havent talked sience my momy and dady died in a car acsident and that was 2 years ago. I am now 4 years old and I just wish that someone came in that door and wanted me to be there child but nobody wanted someone like me that dident talk. But I can always wish.

(Clara's prov)
I have been thinking a lot on if I am going to adopt. And I came to that I am going to adopt a child.

Adopted by Clara AlonsoWhere stories live. Discover now