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(Clara's prov)
I woke up by Tini shaking me. "What is it Tini?" "Well the otherones are still asleep and I was thinking we could make breakfast and talk?" "Okay I'll be right down" I said and Tini walked out. I got dressed and went down to Tini. She had found everything. "Soooooo... Clara you and dad?" "Yeah what aboute us?" "Are you guys together?" "I dont know." "Well I hope you guys are getting together." "Yeah me too." "So what aboute Molly? What does she like?" "She loves you guys. She loves cookies. She love animales and she realy want me and you'r dad to get together." We talked and made breakfast. After a wild it was done and we took it to the table and then I felt something on my legs. It was Molly. "Momy are you and Tini's dad together?" "I don't know hunn but..." I was cute of by Diego comming and said "Well if she loves me and want to then we are." His hands were on my hips and I turned around and Kissed him. "I will." Then he kissed me and said "And I will." We kissed and Molly and Tini Said at the same time "Go get a room." We started to lath and sat down to eat. After we all were done eating we got ready to go. After some min. We were all ready and was on our way. "Momy are we realy going shopping." I turned around to look her in the eyes and said. "Yeah of course we are hunny." "Yay my first time shopping." Molly and Tini talked all the way and me and Diego talked. After half an houer we were at the mall. Tini picked up Molly and took my hand. She draged me after her too a beatyful shop with clothes too Molly. Diego looked at us and started to lath. When we got innside the shop Tini and Molly ran everywere and found many cute T-shirts, pants, shirts, dresses... She tryed everything on and she found some clothes. After we were done It had gone some houers so we went too a restaurant and ate. After we were done Tini told Molly too stay here with Diego and draged me out. Then when we were so far away that they couldent see us she stoped and said. "Idiot!" "What why?" "Becouse...

Sorry for the short chapter. But what do you want to happen next. Tell me in the coments. Love you all and thx.

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