• Sneaking out with a old bestie and Boom•

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Floyd: Boom are you sure your ok?... (sad)

Boom blushes as he saw how cute Floyd was.

Boom: Im fine!

Trickee: Bro did you really have to start a fight?

Hype: I mean Creek started it first.

Branch: True.

Poppy: We will leave to give ya some space, Floyd is watching you!

Boom: Ok..

Kismet and Brozone start walking out while Floyd was just grabbing a ice pack giving it to Boom bored.

Bored: Why not go to the village? (smiles)

Floyd: But what if we get caught?

Boom: Who cares! I didnt get a broken arm did I?

Floyd: No...

Barb: I will come with you!

Floyd: AH-

Barb: Please dont tell me I am slowly becoming like popsqueak.

Boom: Nah I saw you behind the door before they got here.

Barb: Thank goodness.

Barb: Anyways emo strawberry cmon we taking you and this rainbow peep out.

Floyd: But-

Barb and Boom: No buts.

Floyd: Finee....

Barb and Floyd start helping Boom get up but they quickly ran into a clothes store.

Boom: Why are we here?

Floyd and Barb: Disguises!!

Barb throws a bunch of clothes at Boom and while Boom was changing Floyd threw more clothes at Barb to try on and some to try himself.

Boom were a cap with a black jacket, jeans, and a mask. Floyd was very classic, he wore a skirt with a white hoodie and a mask. Lastly Barb wore a pair of shorts that looked like a skirt that was white, a cropped top heart shirt with a X in the middle, and a mask. She had a hat mostly covering her face and head so she wasnt recognized.

Floyd: I look normal enoughish.

Barb: Ughh welp this is better then nothing cmon Rainbow peep.

Boom blushes at Floyd as he saw him do a hair flip.

Boom: Alright..

3 trolls leave the store seeing Brozone and Kismet outside not even suspicious about anything just chatting.

Barb: We gotta change the sound of our voices do not make eye contact (whispers)

She pulls the 2 boy over passing by them pretensing to be a pop and rock troll talking about music. The 2 bands did not suspect a thing!

Boom: These disguises are so working! Whenever I do it never works! (whispers)

Floyd: I think your just bad at doing them heh..  (whispers)

Floyd giggles and Boom blushes while Barb was watching the whole thing with a smirk face.

Barb: Anyway, lets go! (whispers)

Barb pulls Floyd as Boom runs after.
With the 2 bands

Poppy: Why do I have a feeling they just ran away?

Hype: oh dont worry! Boom would always get caught if he did.

Trickee: His disguises are TERRIBLE!

Back with the trio

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