Chapter 30

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"Would you like some ice cream, Harry?"
The words escaped the king's mouth so easily.

", thank you," was what Harry wanted to answer, but she found herself saying the opposite. "Sure?"

"Great, I know a good place for ice cream."

As the king led her to the place, Harry could only wonder why he suddenly wanted to go get some ice cream. Maybe it was to take a break from everything that was happening He certainly needed it. Maybe she needed it too.

After sitting down in a calm little café, next to some nice scenery, with delicious sweets, Harry felt herself relaxing. She thought she had been relaxed earlier, but now she knew she had been nowhere near relaxed and calm.

"Starting tomorrow, I'll begin making preparations for what's to come," said the king as he held his butterscotch ice cream cone tightly in his hand.

Harry didn't say anything. She stared out the window wondering if this could all still be avoided. If she could simply see Varian again, then she could try to convince him to stop. She was in a slightly better mindset than when she had learned the truth about him. After a moment of silence between the two, Harry asked, "Can you find out where he is?"

"I don't know. I think he could be anywhere."


Harry wasn't disappointed; it was true Varian could very well be anywhere. She knew it was stupid, but she hoped that he was safe and warm and at least a little bit happy wherever he was.


Varian was not safe, warm, or happy in the slightest. He had to travel for eight days to get to his destination-the ruined remains of the Archambault palace. The entire kingdom was a desolate wasteland.

Varian sat on the remains of the Archambault throne. He was annoyed by all the shouting and loud talking between his few soldiers. He had only gained a few subordinates. Two girls, and three boys, and he recently got Nathaniel, which made six. They weren't that powerful or particularly smart, but they had magic, and that was good enough.

But good enough or not, they were beginning to give him a headache.
"Be quiet!" he said loudly. "I can't hear myself think with all of your nonsense!"

"You heard the king," laughed Isaiah. He had decided to start calling Varian that on the count of his bossy authoritative behavior. "Simmer down, let his majesty have some quiet time."

Varian had told Isaiah many times that he wasn't a king, so he should stop addressing him as such, but Isaiah was persistent, and Varian didn't care enough to force him to stop.

"What does he need to think about?" asked Zarah. "The plan's simple. We drop by and pay the king and his family a little visit."

"You know the plan," Varian replied. "But can you handle it?"

Zarah grinned from ear to ear. "I think I can handle it," she replied as she lifted her hand showing small sparks flying out.

"Ah, yes, you gotta love our human firecracker," scoffed Isaiah.

"It's better than what you can do," retorted Zarah. She flipped her long red hair. "What are you going to do, hm? Send a few rocks their way?"

Isaiah's response came in the form of a long silent glare.

"I can do better than that," said the other girl, Miko, in a high-pitched voice. Her pigtails bobbled from side to side, as she moved her head.

"Yes, because everyone is so scared of water," replied an unamused Isaiah.

"You act tough," spoke Colton. "But you're only acting that way because the boss brought a new boy here who's ten times better than you."

"Shut up," grumbled Isaiah. "Like you're any better! You don't even have any magic."

"Yes, but my skill comes in the form of sharp knives."

Colton was one of the only members in the group that didn't have a drop of magic in his body, but he did make up for it with his amazing throwing abilities. He never missed his target ever.

"What are you going to do when you run out of knives?" asked Isaiah mockingly.

Colton shook his head. "That won't happen, don't worry your dandy little butt about it."

Nathaniel sat the farthest from the group. He was perched on top of some rubble. "When he runs out of knives, that's when one of us comes in to help him."

"Oh?" chuckled Isaiah. "She speaks!"

Nathaniel gave Isaiah a warning look. He knew he looked tiny and thin, and his long hair certainly wasn't helping, but he still looked like a boy.

"Be quiet, Isaiah," spoke the last boy. He was the youngest and the smallest, only coming in second place due to Nathaniel.

"You're finally speaking up too, Ethan?"

The boy named Ethan buried his face in his pants.

"Be quiet, all of you," Varian said again. His tone made everyone uneasy. "The plan."

"Go to the Cardiaire palace," replied Isaiah.

"Break its walls," said Zarah.

"Find the king," spoke Colton.

"Capture him," uttered Miko.

"Destroy the Cardiaire kingdom," Nathaniel added grimly.

"What about the prince and princesses?" asked Ethan timidly.

"Leave them to me," Varian replied. "Our main goal is to do damage to the Cardiaire palace. If our plan fails and we cannot capture the king, then retreat. Try to do as much damage as possible. Are we clear?"

His soldiers nodded in agreement. "Yes!"

Varian stood up. "Then get ready to leave. We have an eight-day trip ahead of us."

As everyone separated to prepare for departure, Varian stood still. He had only one person in his mind. How he wished he could get her out of his head.

He wanted to see her again, to see the sort of expression she'd make when she saw him. Would she hate him now just as much as he hated her? Would she try to stop him like the last time?

Varian shrugged his thoughts aside; it didn't matter who tried to stop him. He would take down anyone who stood in his way, including the second princess.

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