Chapter 37

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Their destination was the dark kingdom, otherwise known as the Archambault Kingdom. They were to set up their camp near the place. The trip to get there would take eight days. Each night, they set up camp, and each morning, they took it back down. Every so often, they would stop to take breaks.

The trip was grueling; life in the palace for a year had left Harry soft. She wasn't used to the rough way of living anymore. Some of the knights felt bad for her and offered to let her sit in the supply wagon, but she politely declined. She wanted to stay on the horses like everyone else.

The days couldn't pass quickly enough. They soon arrived at their destination. That was where the real camp was going to be set up.

It was much more elaborate than the other camps they had been setting up. This was the real deal. Harry helped the knights load their supplies off the wagon. She placed them wherever Kahil told her to. Within hours, they had everything set up. It was quite grand for a war camp. Kahil instructed everyone to eat and then go to the barracks to get some sleep.

Harry was surprised to see that they didn't just bring knights with them, but also tailors, skilled doctors, and even chefs. Their meal was sure to be a five-star one.

After eating, everyone, but Kahil and the other commanders went to sleep. Harry wasn't a commander, so she headed to the barracks with the others.

She followed everyone headed in that direction to see where they were located. She thought she was close when she was suddenly held back. When she turned, it was a knight who she'd never seen before.

"Your highness, Princess Harry?"


"Come with me."

Harry was unsure of whether she should follow him or not.

"The commander sent me."

She'd go.

The knight led her to a place far away from where the other knights were going. He stopped at a large tent and said, "Go on in."

Harry stared quietly at him for a moment before going in. She didn't know what to expect when she pulled back the flap and walked in. Much to her surprise, she saw a luxurious bed with many inessential features. The room had a carpet, a nightstand, a desk, a few chairs, and even a large mirror. She walked back out to see the knight still standing there.

"Um, is this where I'll stay?" she asked.

The knight answered stiffly, "Yes."

"Are all the other knight's barracks like this?"


Harry didn't like the idea of having a place way better in comparison to the other knights. Especially since they were all enduring the same struggles. Before Harry could request a different place to stay, the knight had already walked too far off for her to catch up with. She decided she would wait in the room for Kahil to arrive. She didn't want to interrupt his meeting. Hours ticked by before he came to visit her barrack.

"How is it?" he asked her. "Are you comfortable?"

Harry was sitting in the chair that was provided to her instead of the bed. "Maybe too comfortable," she replied.

Kahil sighed, "You are still a princess, Harry. Even all the way out here on the battlefield. I've provided you with this type of place because of your status."

"But it's too much," Harry tested. "The other's barracks aren't like this!"

"You think your barrack is fancy?" asked Kahil. "I knew you'd react like this, so I provided you with the bare minimum. If you think it's still too much, you should come see mine."

Harry began to worry about just how extravagant his was.

"If all you're going to do is voice your complaints then I'll be leaving now." He opened the flap, but before leaving, he smiled and said, "Enjoy your stay."

Harry didn't like being put on a pedestal where everyone else was below her. She wanted them to be on equal grounds, but she couldn't argue anymore.

She peeled off her uniform and changed into something more comfortable to sleep in. She didn't like the thought of sleeping in such a warm and soft bed while everyone else were on stiff ones. She would try to join them in the official barracks tomorrow, and if she couldn't, she would offer them her luxuries even if Kahil didn't like it.


The next day, everyone was made to wake up at the crack of dawn, even the prince and princess.

By the time Harry had gotten ready and gone out, everyone was already outside preparing for the battle ahead.

Harry walked around until she found Kahil.

"Did you sleep well, Harry?" he asked with a smug grin.

Harry was embarrassed to admit she did.

"I'm glad you're well-rested; I have a task for you."

"A task?"

She followed Kahil as he began to walk away. She was surprised; she didn't think he would give her any task, not without her begging him for one first.

"Yes, you and your partner will go and observe the enemy's location. Once you return, you will report what you found to me and the other commanders." He paused to look at her to make sure she understood. "Understand?" Harry said she did and they resumed their walking. "But who is my partner?" Harry asked.

"He's someone you know well."

Kahil pointed forward, and Harry followed his finger to see what he was pointing at. It was at Terrance. Harry was confused; she hadn't seen him during their eight-day travel. The two of them walked over to him.

"Where have you been?" Harry asked cheekily.

"Ah," laughed Terrance. "I was delayed by a day; I'm sorry!"

"Yeah, you missed a whole day," replied Kahil in an annoyed tone that didn't match his facial expression. "I needed my second in command here."

"I said I was sorry! Geez!"

"As punishment, you will go stalk out the enemy territory with Harry."

Harry wondered since this was a punishment if she was being punished for her ungratefulness about her barrack from the night before.

"Oh, such a scary punishment," said Terrance sarcastically.

Kahil raised an eyebrow. "Can you handle it?"

Terrance raised both. "Do you know me?"

The two exchanged mischievous grins.

"Alright, Harry," Terrance said as he threw his arm over her shoulders. "Let's get going, shall we?"

"Hey!" yelled Kahil. "Who gave you permission to touch her or say her name?"

With a sly smirk, Terrance answered, "She did."

They both turned their sight on Harry, who stiffened up. "Um!"

"Is this true, Harry?" asked Kahil in a serious voice.

She quickly turned to Terrance and whispered aggressively, "You-you weren't supposed to say anything about it!"

"So you did?!" shouted Kahil.

"Let's get going, Harry," Terrance said as he urged her forward.

"Terrance!" roared Kahil. "When you return, I'm going to make you run a hundred laps!"

Terrance ignored all of Kahil's threats as he led Harry to where the horses were being kept. As he untied one, he turned to Harry with another mischievous grin and asked smugly, "So, Harry, do you want to each take a horse or ride on one together?"

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