Chapter 36

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A few of the servants came running to Harry and the others.


"Your majesty!"

"Your highness!"

Paula came over and grabbed ahold of Harry's arms. "Princess, are you okay?" she asked worriedly.

"Yes, I'm fine," Harry replied.

Paula looked down and saw the blood around her ankle. She gasped loudly and cried, "You're bleeding!"

"It's okay; I don't really feel anything."

"But Princess!"

Kahil turned his attention to Harry and Paula. "What's going on?" he asked. "Did Harry get injured again?"

"The prince is injured too," Paula retorted.

"You both need to be treated," replied their father.

"I think I can help with that." Joseph suddenly began to rummage through his satchel. He pulled out a small container. "It was worthwhile to bring this." He handed the container to Kahil.

Kahil opened it to reveal a thick cream inside. "What is this?" he asked.

"It's a sort of lotion," answered Joseph. "Try it; it'll heal your wounds."

Kahil applied some of the lotion to a cut on his hand. It only took a few seconds for the cut to completely disappear. "Wow," Kahil chuckled. "A miracle lotion, huh?" He applied the lotion to the rest of his injuries, closed the lid, and then, tossed the container to Harry. "Here, try this."

Harry caught it and reopened the container. She applied the cream to the injury on her ankle, and just like Kahil's injuries, hers began to heal up. She shut the lid and then tossed it to her father. She thought he may have some injuries he wanted to be healed.

"Here, Father." He caught it and opened it. He only applied it to his hands. "Nice work, Mister Joseph." He walked over and handed the man the container. "I think we can have a partnership after all." He held out his hand, and the two of them shook hands. This was the start of a powerful alliance.


A few days later, the king formed an army and officially declared war on Varian and his soldiers. He originally had no idea where Varian was, but thanks to Joseph, he was given a pretty good idea.

Kahil was to be sent out to the front lines to lead the army to battle, the king was busy making the preparations for war, Caroline was still in a deep sleep, even Kaitlyn was busy. She had to take on all of Kahil's duties as the next in line.

Harry felt useless, she wanted to join her brother and the army to fight Varian, but her father wouldn't let her.

"Please, Father? I'm really good with my sword! I can help Kahil and the army! Please?"


"Father, at least hear me out!"

"No. My answer is final no."

Harry didn't realize it, but the king didn't want to send Harry to battle because he wanted to protect her-not as his own daughter but for Caroline's sake. He wanted to protect her daughter.

Harry didn't let the king's answer stop her; she continued to beg him for permission each day.

"Harry, I said no. Besides, it's not like the war will last that long anyway. We now have the advantage in numbers. Even if they all possess magic, they won't stand a chance against our numbers."

Harry wasn't so sure of that. She left to go sit in the gardens. She wanted to talk to someone, but everyone was preparing to leave. It would have been nice if Cambrel came to sit beside her. Harry had never had any siblings before, but she felt certain that older brothers were just like Cambrel. If he wasn't like a brother, then, he was like a fun uncle. Harry picked a few flowers and began to make a bouquet for her room.

After picking enough flowers, she began to pull the petals off. "I'll join the war or I won't join the war. I'll join the war or I won't join the war." If the last petal she picked said she would go to war, then she would, and if it didn't, then, she'd try again with another flower. Once she got the result she desired, she wiped off the flower petals on her dress and took her bouquet inside.

Harry put them in a vase and sat staring at them while the maids came into her room delivering new dresses and cleaning.

"Aren't they pretty?" Harry asked.

"What? The dresses?" Paula asked.

"No," Harry replied. "The flowers."

Paula looked at the bouquet. "Yes, they are pretty, but how about you take a look at the dresses too?"

Harry knew the king bought her all the clothes as a bribe since he wouldn't let her go to war. Kahil and the other knights were set to leave soon, and Harry wanted to go with them. If she couldn't convince the king to let her go, then maybe she could convince her brother. Harry went to ask him if she could go.

She found him standing, observing the packing of the supplies. She asked him if she could go with him as a fellow soldier.

"What did Father say?"


"Then, no."


"If Father said no, then I also say no. Once you get his permission, then you can come with us."

Harry frowned, "But how can I convince him?"

"You have until nightfall to get him to agree. We're going to be leaving by then."

Kahil looked at Harry with gleaming eyes. "If you can get him to say yes, then we'll all welcome you with open arms."

"Captain," called a knight. "We're in need of your assistance!"

Kahil patted Harry's head and said, "I believe in you!" Before heading off towards the others.

Harry was already aware that the king was beyond convincing, and Kahil wouldn't agree to let her go unless she could get his permission. Harry went back to her room defeated. She was filled with anger and disappointment, and she was tense. She flopped face down on her bed. There was nothing she could do but sleep.

Soon nightfall came, and Harry woke up. She lit a candle and hurried to her windowsill to see if Kahil and the other knights were still down there. Luckily, they were, but they wouldn't be for long. Harry knew what she had to do. The king would surely be in her mother's room now either watching her or asleep. Harry scrambled to put on her uniform and put a bag together. She tossed the bag around her shoulder and looked in the mirror. After doing a thorough check of her stuff, she was ready.

Harry raced outside to the knights. She had barely been able to catch them; they were just starting to head out.

"Wait, Kahil!" she shouted. "I'm coming with you!"

Kahil turned around and made the group halt. "Harry?" He walked over to her. "You're coming with us? Did you get Father's permission?"

Harry smiled and clutched her bag tightly. "Of course, I did!"

She was nervous because it seemed like Kahil didn't believe her. He shouldn't because she lied. The lie made Harry's heart sting, but once she was back she would apologize to everyone for lying to them.

After a moment of silence, Kahil smiled and grabbed Harry's shoulder. "Welcome aboard then, Harry!"

Harry returned his smile; she was relieved he had believed her. Kahil turned to the rest of the group. "We have another person joining us!" he shouted. "Here," he said as he took Harry's bag off her shoulder. "Let Herman take that for you." He tossed the bag to the knight named Herman, who put it on the supply wagon. "Come on, get on a horse," said Kahil. He started to head back to the group.

Before Harry followed him, she took one last look at the palace. She felt guilty for lying, but she would make up for it by bringing the king victory. The war surely wouldn't last long anyway.

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