Chapter 35

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On their second attempt for the meeting, Harry decided it was best not to decorate the palace again, but she still wore a dress to match the color scheme. She waited by the stairs along with a few servants who were busy cleaning.

Soon enough, Joseph entered the palace again. It had been eight days since Harry had first asked Joseph to meet with the king; it had taken longer than she thought it would to get him on their side.

When Joseph approached her, he was wearing a bright purple robe. The moment they made eye contact, he bowed. "I greet the second princess of the Cardiaire kingdom."

Harry nodded; she didn't even try to tell him that he didn't have to say the royal greeting. She thought it would be better if her father was to hear how respectful he was being.

"You may rise."

Joseph rose and looked around. "The king?"

"We're to meet him in his office," Harry answered.

"Oh, I see."

"Please, follow me."

As Harry and Joseph headed to the king's office, she couldn't help but feel anxious again. She just hoped he was in a better mood than the last time. When they reached the door, Harry gave a sturdy knock before entering. "Mister Joseph is here, Father."

"Bring him in."

Harry turned to Joseph, motioning for him to come in. Once he was inside, she slowly shut the door. Her heart was pounding loudly as she and Joseph took their seats, and the meeting commenced.

The king leaned close to his desk, his hands perched under his chin. He spoke slowly and carefully, "Mister Joseph, after taking my daughter's opinion of you into consideration, it seems you are indeed a man far beyond his years."

Joseph laughed, "Oh, no, your majesty, I mustn't receive all the credit. I've just been copying what's already been created."

"Do you intend to use your knowledge for the Cardiaire kingdom?" asked the king. He completely ignored Joseph's humbling words. "I already know what my daughter said about you, but I'd like to hear it from you personally."

Joseph paused and closed his eyes to take a moment to think. He seemed to be weighing all of his options first. "Yes, your majesty, I'll use my knowledge for the Cardiaire kingdom."

"Will you devote your power to me and my kingdom alone?"

Joseph almost hesitated to respond, "Yes, I will."

"And I can expect that your knowledge won't leave these walls?"

"I can assure you that it won't." Joseph looked at the king dead in the eyes. Any doubt or hesitation he had about the situation was now gone. "I give you my word, sire."

The king seemed surprised by the man's words. He gave a small smirk and leaned back in his seat. "Alright, then, but there is a small matter I want to discuss with you."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Firstly," the king turned his attention towards Harry. "Harry, can you leave the room for a moment while Mister Joseph and I talk?"

Harry was nervous; she didn't want the two to talk alone together, but she knew she couldn't protest, so she reluctantly agreed.
She would take the chance to eavesdrop though.

She left the room and pressed her ear to the door. The wood was so thick that she could barely hear anything. Any conversation they were having was inaudible to Harry. She wondered what the king wanted to talk to Joseph about and why the secrecy?

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