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Vincent didn't like the fact William smoked. He wanted his family to live a long happy life and die of natural causes, but not something that they know could cause harm to their bodies. He was also afraid Michael was secretly doing it too. But he decided to ignore it and play with Chris.

Hey babe, you know where my toothbrush is? William asked peeking around the corner. Vincent looked at him. I think you put it in the drawer or in your purse, I wouldn't know cause it's not my toothbrush. William shrugged his shoulders and went to look in his purse. Vincent went back to playing with Chris, throwing him up in the air and catching him. William was rummaging through his purse trying to hurry to not be late to this meeting he has.

Fucking hell, dude. He whispered to himself. Vincent walked into the room and walked up to him. You could use mine, you know. William looked at him in disgust. Just because your my husband doesn't mean I'm gonna exchange saliva with you. That's gross. Vincent shrugged his shoulders. Suit yourself, then. He was about to walk out until William said something. Fine, I'll use it. Just give it here. Vincent smiled and handed it to him after getting it out of the bathroom. I expect something from you.

Like what? William said getting toothpaste. Like...I don't know, maybe a day without you smoking? William turned off the water from the sink and looked at Vincent. Don't bring that up, not today. Vincent frown. But I want you to stop smoking. William quickly put the brush in his mouth to make Vincent know he can't talk with toothpaste in his mouth. Vincent sat on the bed and got on his phone, waiting for William to be finished. William walked back into the room and sat beside Vincent, looking at his phone with him.

Can we talk about it? William knew exactly what he was talking about. No, I don't want to. William said trying to look away, but Vincent made him face his face. You know it's bad for you and I want best for you and your health. Vincent, I said I don't wanna talk about it. Is it because of stress? Depression? Addiction? Tell me what's wrong. William groaned in annoyance, getting up from the bed and walking out into the living room. Vincent sighed and went back on his phone.

Time skip

Michael moaned softly, trying to not wake his parents. Elijah- not so rough~! The man above Michael pounded into him, slapping noises from their skin filled the quiet room and their groans started to harmonize as they both found the right pace. Michael scratched Elijah's back as he let out moans of pleasure, forgetting to be quieter, Elijah groaned out of pain when Michael does this, but he likes a little pain though. They heard a knock on the door and immediately froze in place. Elijah quickly got off of Michael and hid under the bed. Michael ran to the door and unlocked it.

Yeah? Michael looked at the tall man that's in a robe, messy hair and glasses on to see more clearly in the dark. I heard noises and I wanted to check on you, you aight? Uh yeah, I was singing to music. William looked him up and down then shrugged. To late to be listening to music, you've got school tomorrow, go to sleep. When William walked back down stairs Michael shut and locked the door. He's gone now, Elijah. The boy rolled from under the bed and sat up. Michael, I think it's time I go home. Michael sighed in disappointment but gave Elijah and hug and kiss. Love you, Michael said while Elijah waved at him and jumped out through the window. Michael fell on his bed and thought about what he should do since he didn't wanna sleep just yet. He looked over at the pack of cigarettes on the desk in his room. He and Elijah was talking and smoking together before they decided to have sex. He thought it wouldn't hurt to hit one of them again so he sat up and reached for the pack of cigarettes. 

He opened his drawer and pulled out a lighter and lit the cigarette. He sat back on the headboard and blew out the smoke while thinking about what he'd say if his fathers ever caught him smoking. Michael sat and continue to suck, puff, suck, puff, continuously before he got bored of it and decided to sleep. He threw the cigarette out the window and covered his whole body with blankets. 

Time skip.

William pulled the taller mans hair and started to punch his face. Vincent was trying to break up the fight between his husband and his husbands coworker. They both fell to the floor and continued to hassle until William kicked his nose that made him cover it out of reflexes.  It was pure chaos. The fight had ended with both of their shirts torn and a bleeding nose. William was silent the whole car drive back home which made Vincent worry a lot about him. It's gonna be okay, love. This isn't gonna ruin your reputation and if they use you, you'll win the case, alright? William stayed silent and shrugged his shoulders, clearly not wanting to talk about the matter anymore.

William pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He blew the smoke out and looked to his side to see Vincent staring at him with an annoyed look on his face. William sighed. Vincent, I know you don't like when I smoke, but I'm stressed right now- smoking won't make you any less stressed it'll only kill you. William pinched the bridge of his nose and mumbled to himself. I'm only trying to look out for your help, love. William threw the cigarette on the ground and squished it with his shoe. I'm not trynna have the same talk with you, we already did this morning. But you didn't let me finish what I was trying to say and you walked off. Vincent said angrily. So what? it's annoying to keep taking about the same things, William said standing up straight and a frown appeared on his face. You know what, you want black lungs, have them. Vincent stormed off into the house and slammed the door. 

William sat down on the ground and looked into the sky. He was angry that Vincent was always on his dick about smoking, he's a grown adult why should he be told to do? William always tried to make a way to justify it. He was clearly addicted to it. After a few hours, William went into his and Vincent's room and walked in to see his lover laying on the bed and eating a bowl of ice cream. Once Vincent turned around and looked at William, he frowned and focused his attention back on the small television. Vincent. William called his name but all he got was silence. He walked over to Vincent and took his bowl of ice cream. Hey! the man sitting on the bed was now standing up trying to reach for the bowl,  surprisingly, Vincent is shorter than William by three inches (Spoiler for next chapter, lol). Listen to me talk then I'll give the ice cream back. Vincent thought about it then he finally sat down and volunteered to listen to his lover speak.

You know it's kinda petty to be mad at me over something I'm legally able to do? Vincent shrugged. Still doesn't help the fact it's unhealthy. William rolled his eyes and hugged Vincent. I'll try to stop for you. Okay? Vincent nodded and hugged William back.

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