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Kim Namjoon as your Ex-Boyfriend

Where you're forced to marry your ex-boyfriend to pay off your parents debt

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Where you're forced to marry your ex-boyfriend to pay off your parents debt.

Part Five


Author's Point of View

Y/n gradually stopped believing in their arrange marriage as she saw Namjoon continue his relationship with Yuri. The love and hope she once had for their union faded with each passing day.

She no longer made an effort to connect with Namjoon or make a conversation with him because she already know that he'll ignore her. Y/n found herself growing distant and disappointed with their marriage.

The realisation that Namjoon's heart belonged to someone else weakened her belief in their relationship, leaving her feeling alone and unsure of their future together.


Namjoon returned home after a romantic dinner with Yuri, expecting to find Y/n in the living room to greet him or dinner waiting on the dining table as usual. Instead, the house was eerily quiet, and there was no sign of Y/n.

Confused and a bit concerned, he began searching the house, calling her name softly.


When he reached her bedroom, he found Y/n asleep, curled up on the bed, looking peaceful but somehow distant. As he stood in the doorway, watching her sleep, a wave of regret washed over him.

He realized how his actions had driven a wedge between them. The warmth and care that once characterised their home were gone, replaced by a cold silence that reflected the growing distance in their relationship.

Namjoon felt a deep remorse for neglecting Y/n and their marriage, understanding that his relationship with Yuri had caused her immense pain and led to this heartbreaking change.

Namjoon gently closed Y/n's bedroom door, and went downstairs to get some water. Upon reaching the kitchen, his gaze fell upon a long note resting on the table.

Recognising Y/n's hardwriting, he felt a mix of worry and curiosity. With a hint of unease, he picked up the note, wondering what thoughts Y/n had penned down. He saw the date and saw it was 4 months ago that she wrote it.


Dear Namjoon,

Our arranged marriage feels more like an obligation than a union of love. I see your happiness with Yuri and realize how absent that affection is between us, though I have loved you deeply from the start since high school.

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