✎ Love Me Again- Part Eleven ✑~

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Warnings: swearing, cross dressing, slight sexual content, male lactation, mpreg, etc.


Oneshot- 9, Part Eleven
Words: 7, 135


"Oof! Jin-Jin darling, you're getting so big! Appa finds it harder to walk around without Daddy's help!" Seokjin whined to his baby with a pout, rubbing his much rounder tummy, being nearly six months along.

"Naughty little Byeol!" He huffed, feeling his little one's kick against his palm in response. Then he hummed, a pretty smile gracing his plump lips, cheeks glowing. "Appa is so happy you're growing well," he gushed, petting his tummy.

Another kick, followed by a quiet growl. "Hmm, Appa is hungry," Seokjin pouted, playing with his long curly hair and twirling the chestnut locks around his small fingers sheepishly. "Mm, I'm craving fruit pickles... Are you too, Jin-Jin?"

He waited in anticipation, pressing his soft palm over his swollen belly, all round and bloated from his perfectly growing baby inside. A pressure under his hand felt like an answer of approval, making Seokjin giggle. "My sweet baby."

Placing one hand on the small of his back, Seokjin got up from the edge of his and Namjoon's bed, both hands then resting on his big tummy. He then waddled towards the door like an adorable baby penguin, the weight of his unborn child decreasing his speed.

"Your Daddy must be staying up late to work, that boring grumpy bear," Seokjin muttered quietly, grumbing as he spoke to his baby while his small feet padded the tiles outside the bedroom, passing by Namjoon's study.

"I really want pickles... Mmm, with peanut butter and... maybe some honey or jelly," Seokjin drooled over his own choices, mouth beginning to water at the mention of so much delicious goodies. "Also with some whipped cream and cherry on top."

Seokjin moaned as he thought of the foods he was craving, and slowly walked to the elevator on the other side. Now that he was bigger than before and needed to be more careful, Namjoon had forbidden him the use of stairs. And what was the use of worrying the fussy man?

Seokjin got in the elevator when it arrived at his floor, and pressed the button to all the way downstairs. Once he reached the first floor, Seokjin found the lights open despite it being past midnight for his ease.

"It's so boring to eat all alone," Seokjin huffed, rubbing his belly. "Your Daddy is busy, so I don't wanna disturb him. Maybe I will bring him some food to eat after I'm done."

Smiling to himself at the thought of cooking for his sweet husband, Seokjin waddled all the way to the kitchen, turning on the lights and immediately getting to work. While the whole mansion was fast asleep and the master of the house was deep into his late night work, the light of the entire mansion, aka Master Seokjin, was busy 'cooking'.

He happily hummed a tune to a song called Magic Shop, grabbing a big bowl and a jar of mango pickle, emptying the contents and adding peanut butter, stirring them in the bowl with an wooden spoon. His eyes then fell on a tub of honey, and he grabbed it too, using a tablespoon to add some of it in the mix.

Once he was satisfied with the result, Seokjin went to the fridge and got some raspberry jelly, getting the whipped cream and a handful of cherries on the way. He decorated the peanut butter and pickle mix with the whipped cream, cutting up the jelly and decorating the top as well.

Just as he was carefully putting the ripe cherries on the dish as the finishing touch, he heard shuffling in the hallway. Knowing very well just by the sound who it was, Seokjin didn't bother to look up, focusing on completing his dish, tongue sticking up a bit at one corner of his plump lips in concentration.

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