Ruff Morning

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*They were all in an alleyway. Stone fell asleep drunk, Vinnie was searching for food in the garbage, and Skipp climbed some garbage cans and muddy wet boxes to reach the top roofs of houses. Stone slowly started to wake up with a bit of a hangover*

Stone: Mgh- *Stone groaned as he rubbed his eyes*

Vinnie: Hay- *Rummaging through garbage she realizes that Stone was awake* Can you help me find food, I'm starving- *She says giving up on the food hunt in the garbage*

Stone: *He sat up against the wall* Mgh, why can't Skipp help you?... *He was still drowsy*

Vinnie: *She stopped what she was doing and turned to face Stone, with a "seriously" kind of face* You know he'll look for about a minute before getting distracted...

*Stone stands up leaning against the alleywall, a bit dizzy. Vinnie walks to the sidewalk, poking her head around the corner of the alley to see if there was any source of food nearby*

Vinnie: Well... *She's still looking around the corner of the alley* It's worth a shot, go get Skipp-

Stone: *He tries to focus his eyes on Vinnie* Where is he?... *He slowly started to lift his back off the wall, finding balance*

Vinnie: *She sat down against the wall, defeated* I'm... We're going to starve- *she mumbled, rubbing her eyes* He's up on the roof tops again...

*Stone doesn't respond back, he pulls out a cigarette as he climbs up onto a trash can, a few more boxes he climbed and he was on the rooftops, searching for Skipp*

Stone: Skipp- *he called out as he lit his cigarette* Vinnie's dying, she needs food- *he continued to walk taking a puff*

Skipp: Stone!- *Skipp pops his head up from a house roof* Stone- look what I found!- *Skipp disappeared again behind the roof*

*Stone walked over to where Skipp was*

Skipp: We won't starve for long- *He was on his knees pointing at this fancy building*

*The building was big and had posters around it along with decorations*

Stone: ... *He didn't know how to react* well... Let's go check it out- *he starts to walk back to the alleyway hopping off of the rooftops*

*Skipp followed behind Stone. Vinnie was still trying to find food*

Stone: There's no hope- *Stone said to Vinnie before Skipp interrupted Stone as he took another puff*

Skipp: We found a building, I'm pretty sure it's for a party and parties equal food! *He said with a grin*

*Stone was already walking to the building*

Vinnie: *She immediately stood up* Well, what are you waiting for, c'mon-

*All three of them walked over to the building. Vinnie snatched a poster off the building and read it*

~Feel Better Soon~
Feel better soon party tonight
Food and Beverages

If found street rats and/or scraps inform police immediately

Vinnie: Food and beverages- *she continued to read* Remember 5:00 to 7:00...

Stone: Who makes a "Feel Better Party?" Why through a party for someone to feel better?... *He threw out his cigarette*

Skipp: Hay look- We're on the poster- *he nudged Vinnie in the shoulder, pointing at the poster* "Street rats and/or Scraps-"

Vinnie: Yah, so how are we going to get in? Security is involved... *She looks over to Skipp*

Skipp: Make over!-

You made it through the first chapter! (I was supposed to post this yesterday but I was exhausted, my apologies) So... I did get to watch the pilot and it's just like what I thought with Maggot and everything! Hope you like the story so far!

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