Another Morning

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*Vinnie was already awake searching for food like always. Stone was just waking up, stretching*

Vinnie: *She called out to Stone* Stone- Come look!-

*Stone just mumbled but didn't say much*

Vinnie: Ok, hear me out- *She faced Stone* There's this woman with the kid- *Stone interrupted her*

Stone: *He was stretching* Don't think of kidnapping a kid-

Vinnie: Uh- *A bit shocked* What?!- No- *She looked at Stone like he was crazy* What would we get out of that?! Anyway, she has food in her purse!- We should make Skipp snatch it- *She had a wide grin across her face as she looked back at the woman*

Stone: *He sighed* Where is he? *He slowly stood up realizing:* Wait, what happened to the food we had... Yesterday?!-

Vinnie: Shhhh- *She ignored his question* Go get Skipp, he's back on the rooftops- *She was still looking around the corner*

Skipp: I swear that kid lives up there like a bird... *He said to himself as he brushed himself off and walks to a couple of boxes and trash cans*

*Stone climbed up the boxes and trash cans eventually hopping on top of a house roof. Skipp was sitting up on a roof playing his banjo, humming to his songs. Skipp had his eyes closed enjoying the morning. Stone walked up to Skipp*

Stone: Your turn to hunt down food... *He said sitting next to Skipp*

Skipp: Stone! *He wasn't expecting to see Stone* ...Didn't we have food yesterday? *He stopped playing his banjo and looked at Stone*

Stone: That's what I asked her! she's stubborn today, she won't tell me what happened to it... *He sighed once again* She wants you to go steal food or something from someone's purse... You know she has a plan...

Skipp: Well let's go figure it out- *He stood up offering Stone a hand*

*Stone took Skipp's hand and they started walking back to the alley. Skipp jumped onto the floor while Stone took his time getting off the rooftops*

Stone: Vinnie, are they still there- *Vinnie cut him off*

Vinnie: Skipp- *She ran to Skipp and grabbed his wrist dragging him to the corner of the alleyway, ignoring Stone again* Look, that woman and her kid on the bench- *She pointed* In her purse she has some sort of meal, go grab it!- *She nudged him in the shoulder*

Skipp: Ok, I can do that... I think- *He continued to watch the two girls on the bench*

Vinnie: Don't screw up!

*Stone walked over to Vinnie not saying a word. Vinnie and Stone watched Skipp try to sneak over to the women's purse*

End of chapter 7!!! Really fast, just want to say thank you to the people that added this story to their favorites and voted, it gives me the energy to keep writing!

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