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*When they made it back to the alleyway where they always stay, Vinnie purposely dropped all the food she was carrying on the floor*

Vinnie: Well, we won't starve... For a day... *She looked at the food, crossing her arms* I honestly thought I grabbed more...

Skipp: Half of it's already gone from the "party"...

*Stone pulled out a beer bottle, popping it open and taking a sip*

Vinnie: *She walked over to Stone* You could grab a beer bottle but not food?-

*Stone shrugged and sat against the alley wall*

Skipp: Why don't we get a good night's rest and I'll go hunt for more food in the morning- *He said with confidence*

Vinnie: Fine with me- *She didn't really care but she knew she would in the morning*

*It was getting later at night. Stone fell asleep against the wall with a beer bottle in hand, Vinnie was sitting on a box leaning her back against the wall, and Skipp was curled up in the corner trying to keep warm. They all eventually fell asleep*

This chapter (chapter 6) was short but I've been pushing it for two to three days now so... Also, the very first comment I got was a meh face which didn't boost my confidence about this story but I thought it was funny!

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