Little Blood Never Hurt

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Before you start chapter five, just want to say, this one is going to be a bit graphic, blood, sharp spikes, etc. If you're not a fan, the next chapter is going to be less graphic :) This will be mostly description

*Multiple people started attacking, their eyes rolled in the back of their heads like a fictional horror book. Stone and Vinnie had their knives in hand while Skipp stayed close for protection. It was a few hundred against three. Vinnie and Stone immediately went into action*

Stone: I swear this town is filled with rich zombies-

*Vinnie had no stutter, she took the wooden cover of her knife and stabbed one person, sliding out of the way as someone tried to punch. She took her knife back and quickly wiped the blood away as she did her best to avoid everyone else's attacks*

*Stone on the other hand took his knife and didn't attack immediately, he was waiting for someone to make their first move. As someone swung their hand, he immediately sliced their wrist spewing blood. Multiple other people started to attack and swing their arms. He took his knife stabbing people in the back and in the stomach*

Vinnie: *She was choking someone before she slit their neck open, pouring out blood* Skipp, get out of here before you get hurt- *She continued to stab*

*Skipp proceeded to listen, he grabbed his banjo trying to get out of the way, sliding through people and avoiding the attacks. (We have to add a little drama) He tripped and his banjo flew across the room. There were still a lot of people attacking where his banjo was but without thinking he stood up and immediately ran for it. As soon as he picked up his banjo he realized, he doesn't have any type of weapon, people were ready to attack around him! This could be the end of Skipp! Skipp closed his eyes in fear as someone came up to him with a beer bottle ready to hit*

*All of a sudden "Shunk-" A shrill noise came from in front of Skipp. Blood spewed everywhere! Skipp slowly opened one of his eyes, squeezing his banjo. It was Stone. Stone stood there for a moment, holding his knife with both his hands*

Skipp: *He still had a little fear* We should go!-

Stone: I agree-

*Skipp grabbed Stone's hand and then ran over to the front doors*

Stone: Vinnie!- We're leaving c'mon- *He looked back at Vinnie*

Vinnie: Aww, we're leaving so soon- *She teasingly pouted* Ok, hold on- *She took all the food she could get and ran out the front doors. Skipp and Stone followed*

*Stone held the door shut from the outside. He lit a beer bottle and threw it inside the building*

Vinnie: Let's go-

*They ran back to the alleyway and hid until everything was clear*

End of chapter five! I guess it wasn't that gory. I want this story to be like day after day story (meaning a few chapters equal one day and then a few more chapters equal another day in the story), keeping the street rats running! I'll make one more chapter, then start a new day for the story!

I don't like the way "...another day for the story..." or "...a new day for the story..." sounds so give me a nick name for that, I'll be using it more often

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