Love VS Food

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Skipp's POV:

On another food adventure for Vinnie... Like always. I of course don't refuse the offer but I screw up a lot. Trying to help people always backfires. Today she wants me to scheme these rich peeps for food even though we had food yesterday... Where'd it go, who knows?! I attempted to sneak over to this woman's purse as Vinnie and Skipp just watched me. I'm praying that I can swallow my kindness and do the deed that must be done!

I made it to the woman's purse and started looking through it. The woman was scolding her child for whatever reason which hurt me to watch. I looked up at the woman and I knew that Vinnie and Stone knew what that meant... I couldn't help myself-

Skipp: You know, maybe if you lowered your tone your child would listen to you better- *I said holding the woman's purse in my hand*

The woman glanced at me and didn't say a word, the kid looked at me with a soft smile that said "thank you." I watched the kid's smile grow so I had to smile back. Soon enough, the woman realized I had her purse

Woman: Street rat?... *She seemed a bit frightened*

Skipp: Shhh, be quiet, don't be alarmed- *Before I could say another word Vinnie ran over to me and almost shoved me to the ground as she covered my mouth*

Vinnie: Sorry ma'am, he's a newbie!-

Woman: Your little "newbie" is telling me how to raise my child!- *The woman was practically scolding Vinnie at this point*

I couldn't say anything, Vinnie had a tight grip over my mouth, it's her way of saying "shut up!" I screwed everything up again...

Woman: I'm calling the police-

The woman and I were in the same situation, Stone came out of nowhere and basically held the woman hostage

Skipp: *I forced Vinnie's hand off of my mouth* Not in front of her kid!- *Vinnie had no stutter to cover my mouth again*

Stone: Vinnie- *Stone looked at Vinnie* Grab your knife and get the job done-

Skipp: No- *I force myself to break out of Vinnie's grip*

Before I could do anything the woman broke out of Stones grip and shoved him to the floor. The woman pulled out a knife and proceeded to point the knife at Stone

Vinnie: Woah- No fancy woman just has a knife 24/7!-

The scariest scene that has probably ever happened to us. The woman's kid was trying their hardest to hold her back. Stone grabbed his knife and slid it over to me. I know what he wanted me to do but he also knows I don't have the guts to do it...

End of chapter 8! Not much to say... (Pre-ordered the Stone plushie on May 6th 🌝) Thank you all for supporting, give me story ideas in the comments! Ok bye-

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