1. Summer Blossoms

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[Welcome to this book! I promise it's now as weird as you think it is because of the description lol, please stick around, read the book and enjoy xxx]

[I recommend listening to the songs on every chapter to make your reading experience better]

[TW for sexual content. This is going to be a smutty book]

[And don't forget to vote if you like the book! I'll update on the weekends]


Summer had begun in the small and close knit town called Wellmoure in England. Graham, a 16 year old teenage boy was sat in his room listening to the Beatles. That's all he ever did, really.

He'd wake up late, sometimes skip breakfast then spend all day in his room staring out the window and listening to music till dinner time.

A bored Graham tapped his feet to the music as he gazed outside the window, going over the memories of last week.

His only friend in town, Damon was going off to a one month long vacation with his family so Graham had gone to his house to say goodbye.

"You're probably going to miss Ema more than me. She snogs you, that's something I can't do. " Graham said in a grumpy tone regarding his mate's girlfriend.

Damon smirked, "I've got erm- a girl called Crystal who's my cousin's friend to keep me company there." He said cheekily.

Graham rolled his eyes.

"And Gra you can snog me anytime you want. It's something you CAN do." Damon winked. That's what he left with.

"Don't call me Gra! It's odd! only my mum calls me that!"

Graham chuckled and stood back. He thought of how opposite him and Damon can be in terms of a lot of things including girls. he'd never had an experience with a girl. Graham had never had a girlfriend whilst Damon had too many to keep count sometimes.


Oh it's one of those days again. It's morning time and the sun is blinding my gaze. My mum has tried to make leave my room for breakfast but I can't be bothered. I am not in the mood, I reckon.

It's 12 O clock. I throw myself on my bed and feel it sink beneath me. I put on some music and close my eyes but peace isn't something I feel.

Painful memories enter my brain. Last month was very tough. My parents got a divorce and it was quite unexpected, we used to be such a happy family - me, my older sister and our parents.

Then one day my dad just leaves without really giving an explanation. It happened so suddenly how am I meant to get over it? I still think about it. I wonder where my dad is and why did he not speak to me for the last time when he could've? Does he hate me?

Though, I'm grateful for my mum. She's really sweet if she's had a good 8 hours of sleep haha.

I sit up to take a deep breath and all the bad thoughts wash over me so I lay down again. I turn up the music to full volume then I stare at the ceiling fan and it keeps doing rounds over and over again in a circular motion endlessly.

God, I am bored. I am just laying here in bed waiting for something to happen...

I jump as I hear a knock at my door. I didn't expect something to actually happen. Fucking hell.

"Gra! Come downstairs we've got someone who wants meet you! " It's my mum.

There's someone who wants to meet me? Specifically me? I reckon now I actually have to get out of my bed. I drag myself out and walk downstairs. My curiosity increases with each step.

I stand on the last step and I see my mum then suddenly a middle aged man with brown hair and blue eyes emerges from the living room with a smile on his face which seems too wide, "Hello Graham! I am called George." He puts his hand out for a handshake.

I stand back hesitantly.

"Gra, go on! Shake George's hand! He's your future step dad! " My mum announces.

Hearing that makes me not want to shake his hand even more...

What's going on? What did I just walk into? My future step dad???? Excuse me?

Before I can handle George alone someone else walks into the scene. It's a girl my age.

"Oh! There you are! " My mum looks at her then at me,

"Gra! Meet y/n, she's George's daughter. "

She smiles, "Gra-? Lovely to meet you!"

"It's actually Graham" My mum corrects.

She laughs, "Oh since you called him Gra- so I got confused. "

"Sorry-! " My mum chuckles as well.

"Well hello Graham. I'm y/n." She greets me.

I just stand back trying to process what's going on. I go quiet. Who is she? She's my new step sister? I've got a new step dad for gods sake?!!??

"Have you not talked to any girls before? " Y/n says cheekily.

Both my mum and George burst out laughing.

"You've got bad luck with the ladies? Don't worry lad, I can help you with that! " George adds on.

God, my new step dad is a twat and his daughter is just like him...

Is this it? My start to the summer?

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