10. Hard to Explain

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I wake up to a new morning gracing my bedroom. I sit up, stretch and for the first time in a long time, walk to the bathroom in a good mood because I am happy to face this day.

The moment I shared with y/n last night was something magical...

I stand in front of the bathroom mirror and turn on the tap to wash my face but no water comes out.


I try to turn the tap in different directions but still no water so I decide to test the shower and no, it doesn't work either.

I guess the water is out on my floor, this has happened before.

Now, I'll have to go shower in the downstairs bathroom. I sigh, grab my towel and march downstairs. The house seems quiet and peaceful despite being fuller now.

I reckon my mum is making breakfast with George, they must be getting all lovey dovey with each other, I'd rather not walk in there.

I keep my gaze straight and walk towards the downstairs bathroom but I have to cross my sister and now y/n's bedroom before I get there. I can't help but look in when I see y/n in there.

She doesn't see me, her eyes are focused on the bedroom mirror and her hair is wet as she stands in front of the glass in a towel, touching up her face. I guess, she has also just woken up and gotten out of the shower. I think she looks nice with wet hair.

I seem to stand still, freeze and just look. Y/n dries up her hair with a hair dryer before walking over to her bag that she has yet to unpack to pull out her outfit for the day. She lays it out on the bed to confirm it.

She rests her arms on her hips and I think she is having second thoughts about the outfit. Then suddenly she grabs the hem of the white towel she has on, her body is still wet from the shower water though, she grabs the towel to take it off and change into her clothes.

I catch the sight of her bare back before quickly turning my gaze and getting out of there. I run into the dining room area.

Oh, god this isn't right. What was I doing?

I look down at my trousers and something is poking out....

What is the matter with me!?! Now this feels even more wrong, oh god!

I sit down on one of the chairs and ponder, trying to solve this but suddenly I am surprised by the telephone ringing right next to me. It made my heart jump.

I gather myself and grab the receiver of the telephone, "Hello-" I say in a small and panick-y voice.

"Gra! Have you forgotten about me? I haven't heard from you in ages. Where are you? What are you doing?"

It's Damon.

"Erm- it's hard to explain-" I stutter. No pun intended.

"Why? What happened?" Damon asks.

I take a deep breath before replying, "There's a bit of an issue that I am erm- facing right now"

"Do you need help?"

I chuckle, "No! Direct help would be weird but Indirect help is something I can use-"

"Stop talking in riddles Graham for gods sake!" Damon sounds sort of annoyed now.

I blurt out, "How do I make a boner go away- quick! Do you know!"

Damon laughs out loud, "We've all been there- you know being a teenager is not a lovely time. You can barely control things like these and then you get in trouble and nobody understands. Look, I have loads of experience with this issue-"

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