Chapter 15

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"Well that was fun, wasn't it?" Sunghoon asked, smiling.

"Mhm. It was very interesting." I replied.

Wonyoung just nodded.

During the trip, I tried getting on Wonyoung's good side and it seemed to work, but there were some moments where she looked jealous of me.

"We should get a taxi before it's too late." Sunghoon suggested, walking over to the taxi stop.

Me and Wonyoung just looked at each other and shrugged before walking over to Sunghoon.

Sunghoon opened the door for me and Wonyoung before getting in and directing the driver.

Wonyoung whispered to me, "I swear if this driver doesn't hurry up."

All I could do was chuckle silently.

I guess I'm becoming friends with her. Something I thought I could never do.

Sunghoon just looked at us interacting and smiled. I guess he's just glad Wonyoung actually likes me.

After dropping off Wonyoung, it was just me and Sunghoon.

"Well, how was today?" Sunghoon asked.

I turned my head to him, "It was fun, thank you."

"No problem. I'm always there for you." He said, placing his hand on my shoulder.

My eyes widened and I looked down at the hand on my shoulder. I felt a wave of comfort wash over me. All I could do was smile at him.

We made eye contact for a few seconds before looking at each other's lips.

We leaned in.




"Don't you dare make out in my taxi." The driver interrupted.

Sunghoon quickly pulled away and chuckled awkwardly "Ah, right."

I also pulled away, looking away while blushing intensely.

The rest of the ride was awkward. I couldn't get a single word out of my mouth even if I tried. I can't believe I almost kissed Sunghoon in a taxi.

"Oh, it's our stop." I quickly said as the taxi driver pulled up.

I watched as Sunghoon paid and exited, I quickly followed.

After a few minutes of walking back to my house, we finally arrived.

"Well, today was fun." Sunghoon said, smiling at me.

"I agree." I smiled back before pausing. "Be safe, okay?"

Sunghoon patted my head. "I will."

Before he left, he quickly kissed my lips for a few seconds. All I could do was just stand there, but I eventually gave in and kissed back for a few more seconds.

After we pulled away, Sunghoon smiled.

"Bye Sunoo."

"Bye Sunghoon."

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