Please stay here babe !

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**TWO WEEKS LATER! It's now June 14 th and the kids are officially on summer vacation. Maya is getting more and more Braxton hicks contractions and she's extremely uncomfortable with anything on her body, unless it's a soft thin sweatpants and a light tank top , as she's officially twenty seven weeks pregnant, her due date is October 3 rd . Grandma and grandpa bishop took the children out for a fun day to celebrate their summer vacation starting... Carina has been working a lot lately, and she's just not feeling like going to work again. Especially since she learned that Maya has been having constant contractions. **

Wednesday June 14 th 2024

8h38 am

**Carina is getting ready to go to work but she's dreading it now, Maya definitely noticed that. **

Carina: alright babe, I'm heading to work now... even though I really don't want to go....

Maya : wait , don't go , I don't want to be home alone and I'm not feeling good...I'm having pain in my lower back and near my buttocks and my legs are hurting and swollen... more and more often now and I'm scared. I'm also stressed from having the house a huge mess and I can't clean the house because I'm in pain..  and I'm cramping every now and then! Abhhhh ! Like now !

Carina:  Take a deep breath and you'll feel better in a few minutes...

Maya  :  You love your job babe!

Carina: I know but I just want to be home all the time... especially in the recent weeks... I'm being pulled into work and I'm feeling guilty about it... and I know I have to work... and we have your parents to help us out with the kids and it's wonderful... and I just feel like I'm missing out on everything that our kids are doing when I'm working...

** she was really upset about that **

Maya : ohhh , I'm sorry that you're feeling like that lately.. I didn't know...
Carina: it's okay...

Maya : I just hope that my relationship with Niccolas is as strong as yours and his is !

Carina: what?  he really loves you, and I noticed that every time he hears you talking and you are in another room he looks around everywhere just to find you. Londyn is literally going to be five years old and she barely needs me for mainly everything. Giovanni and Salvatore are glued to your side and it's really beautiful to see how they interact with you and how much they already love Charlotte and she's not even born yet ...  I feel like I'm missing out on Nicco's early childhood.... I just want to be home ... all the time!

Maya : hrmmmk !

** she's having several contractions but she doesn't want to interrupt her wife **

Carina: and I just want to stay home and start my maternity leave early !

Maya : yea , I wouldn't be opposed to that idea , owwwww !

Carina: are you experiencing some Braxton hicks contractions?

Maya : yessssss ! Ahhhhh ! I dont want you to be fired from your job but ahhhhhh ! Owwwwww !

Can you please stay home with me... call in sick from work or something... start your maternity leave early please... I want you with me in case she decides to come early..

Carina: yes of course I will stay home with you. I'll call in sick right now for the rest of the—— and I'm senior resident, the best of my field, I would not get fired babe!

Maya : alright...

Carina : Take deep breaths. And everything will be okay!
Maya : take the week off work and when I'll be thirty weeks then you'll start your maternity leave early.

You Are Loved ♥️ ( Chapter Twelve) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ