Starting to plan The Baby Shower!

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Wednesday June 21 at 2024

** it's the middle of the night and Carina is up with Niccolas. She knows he has been missing her all of yesterday, so today she's going to soak up all of his cuddles.. and barely will put him down... she loves holding him and he loves being held in anyone's arms, but he's specially loving it more when he's in Carina's arms! That's the first person to have ever held him in their arms... and he feels loved by her, and his family too !**

2h27 am

Carina: shhhhhh , it's okay.... Are you hungry again? You didn't eat a lot earlier huh ?

** she repositioned herself to be higher up in the rocking chair and he was breastfeeding like a champ. **

You just needed to be repositioned! Awnnn ! I'm so sorry my bambino !!

** she gave him lots and lots of kisses and hugs**

Maya : hrmmmm. Babe !
Carina: yes honey ?
Maya : please tell me you're not going anywhere today? I want you home today please! I had a little anxiety attack yesterday because you were gone all day ! My mom is a huge help but she's not you ! She's not as calming and reassuring as you are Babe !

Carina: Awnn Bambina ! I told you that you could have texted or called me any time and I would have been home earlier, and I'm not going anywhere today!

I'm staying home! 

Maya : I know I could've texted you but you were with our girls and their first modelling gig was yesterday and I didn't want to be the reason why you weren't there to witness it all because of me ! And thank you for staying home today!

Carina: I'm so sorry again for your anxiety attack.

** she gets up with Niccolas in her arms and sits down on her bed and kisses her wife several times in a row **

Please forgive me!!

** she said with her beautiful brown eyes .. the puppy dog eyed ! It worked **

Maya : I obviously forgive you!

Come on now it's time to sleep!

Carina: yea ! Perfect!

** she's putting Niccolas down in his bassinet right next to her side of the bed and she cuddles with her wife and they fall asleep really fast **

8h48 am

Carina: hrmmmmm good morning my beautiful wife!
Maya : hrmmmmm good morning babe! Can I get a kiss from you? And a massage too? I'm feeling really really sore today and I was planning on nesting a lot for her arrival but I'm not sure if I have all of the energy I need to really nest.

Carina: well of course I'm going to give you kisses and a massage too ! And it's normal that you don't feel the urge to nest because you're not at the end of your pregnancy. It's going to kick in this fall... don't rush it. Okay ?

** she kisses her wife several times and then gently rubs her hands on her wife's stomach and Maya wanted to have an extra intimate interaction before they get up and ready for the day. SEX ! **

Maya : hrmmmmm ! Yea , okay , I won't rush into nesting... please fuck me right now, all of the extra hormones are making me feel really horny and all I want is you to....

Carina: alright, I get it!

** Carina and Maya are now having a little sexual encounter and Carina even gave her wife a perineum massage with her fingers... it made Maya moan with pleasure! ALWAYS WITH PLEASURE!  **

You Are Loved ♥️ ( Chapter Twelve) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora