Chapter 3; waking up

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I remember waking up to a bright light in my face. Beeping could be heard in the distance, so I knew I was in the hospital.
Once my eyes adjusted, I looked around the room and found it empty. Someone had to have brought me here, so why am I alone now? And who was the boy I saw before? I shook my head a little, and pushed a button that called a nurse into my room.
"Hi! It's good to see you awake. My name is Haley. Are you in any pain?" The nurse, Haley, introduced herself with a bright cheery smile.
"My head hurts a little." I admitted, but that's not what was bothering me. "Do you know who brought me here?"
"Some boy. He didn't say much, just that you needed help. You're dad should be on his way here soon." Haley smiled at me. Did that boy bring me here? Why haven't I seen him before? I need to find him.

"Mr. Ross, your dad is here to sign you out." Haley informed me. My house is literally 20 minutes away from this hospital, and I've been waiting for three hours. I guess the old man really likes to take his time. That or he hates me. Probably both.
"Where is the little shit?" I could hear my fathers voice through the closed doors. I'm not even sure he could count as a father. My dad use to be my superhero, but then my mom left. When she finally decided to leave my dad and I, my dad started drinking and would come home drunk a lot. It didn't get too bad until I told him I was gay, that's when all hell broke loose. Dad became an alcoholic, and was never sober. He beats me now. It's never bad though, he's too drunk to actually hit me hard.
"Sir, we're going to need you to stay out of the rooms for now" one of the nurses tried to say calmly to him.
He was probably drunk. Dad always gets drunk at the most inconvenient times. I looked around my room, realizing how tired I was. since I'm going to be here for a while, might as well nap. I closed my eyes, but soon realized I couldn't fall asleep.
"Sleep my angel." a beautiful voice whispered into my ear. I would have opened my eyes to see who it was, but their words brought a sense of calm to me, and I was out.

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