Chapter 6; Brendon

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I didn't feel like going to school the next day, so I stayed home. Well, not home, I actually went places. Point is, I didn't go to school. I decided I didn't want to deal with Wes today, so I didn't.

I walked alone on the side walk until I reached the park. Dad used to bring me to this park all the time when I was younger. He used to put me on his shoulders so I could reach the monkey bars.
No one comes to this park anymore. Everything is rotted and overgrown. I kinda miss this park. I wondered into the park and pushed my way through some trees. There on a hill, over looking the whole town, was a boy. I don't know why I decided to go up and sit next to the boy, but I'm really glad I did.
I walked up to him and sat down. The boy turned to look at me, and I realized it was THE boy. The one who took me to the hospital!
"Why aren't you in school Ryan?" He sounded tired.
"Why did you save me that day?" I asked him.
"Because... No one should die like that. Especially not you Ryan."
"I wanted to die. I wanted it all to end right there in that hallway. I wanted Wes to have to deal with the fact that he killed me all his life. I wanted to die and you took that from me!" I picked up a rock and chucked it over the cliff we were sitting on.
"You should consider others more Ryan. What about your future? There are so many things out there waiting for you that you won't get to experience if you die. What about falling in love? Starting a family? Graduating high school?" He looked over at me.
"No one would ever want to marry me..... Trust me. I also don't give a shit about graduating."
"Why not?"
"I'm not sure. It just never seemed appealing to me."
"Ryan, take it from someone who never got the chance to experience any of those things... They're a big deal." He said standing up and started to walk away.
"Can I at least know your name since you seem to know mine?" I shouted out to him. 

Brendon? I like it,

Little did I know that Brendon would change my life forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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