Accident in Love

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As Uzi and Scout leave the sick bay, Scout couldn't help but notice that Uzi was acting strange. She was keeping her head low, as usual, but her face seemed to have... a purple blush marks on her visor?

Scout: Yo, are you okay? Your visor is covered with blush marks.

Uzi: Y-y-y-yeah, I'm fine. I'm just... hot! Yeah, that's it. I'm hot.

Scout then remembered Thad, and, despite him being a dumb@ss, it didn't take him long to figure it out.

Scout: Oh, I see what's going on here. You like that jock, don't you?


Scout: Oh, yeah, you are. Uzi and Thad, both making out and -

Uzi: Shut up! Before I tell Pauling over there about your crush.

Not too far from them was a female drone with a purple shirt, black hair, white eyes, and glasses. Scout screamed like a girl before covering his mouth, grab Uzi, and hiding before the female worker drone could see them. Not seeing anything, the drone, Pauling, just shrugs and left.

Scout: *sighs* Alright, just don't say anything.

Uzi: *laughs evilly* No promises ~

And with that, they went their separate ways so they'll meet each other later that night.

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