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"Come with me, Edwina." Scott stood at the end of Edwina's field of vision. Her friends stood dumbfounded as Scott was leaving behind in life in Paw Paw for glory. Edwina felt her heart sink, for some strange reason. 

"I-It's okay, Scott. We'll always have PawPaw," she whispered, as a look of sadness crossed Scott's face. He walked away from the garage, and Edwina pushed away from Annie and Becky.

"Scott, wait!" she called. But he wouldn't wait, he walked ever forward, until Edwina realized where they were going. Birchwood Avenue was fading into a white void, a mist, a barrier. Cutting her off from wherever Scott was going to. She would always be stuck in Paw Paw, Michigan.

"Please!" Scott disappeared into the void just as she gripped onto his hand, which quickly faded into the mist. Edwina stood on the street, not willing to accept it. She made an attempt to go through, but was met with a hard, unforgiving wall, of nothingness. She closed her eyes and pushed against it, but nothing gave way. 

Edwina opened her eyes and walked backwards, until she reached her house. The sound of fighting disturbed her, and the cast of the Dear Edwina show was in chaos. Edwina went to intercept, but realized something. This wasn't the memory of her childhood. Neither was the chasing after Scott bit, she let him go and gave up. 

She pressed up against the outside of the house, watching the scene. She realized that some of her friends were much, much older, and some fit the time of the supposed memory. Annie was old, close to Edwina's present age. Lars was definitely his 7 year old self of the past. 

She looked down at her outfit and realized where she fit in in the timeline. She scurried toward the mirror in the corner of the garage, and looked at her reflection. 13 year old Edwina Spoonapple looked back at her, her face in terror and desperation. The silence was nerve wracking, but Edwina saw no one in the garage behind her. She turned and saw the cast with fake smiles on their faces.

She went to the front of the crowd and looked around in silence. Annie and Becky stepped forward, both 16 and 14 respectively. Annie hugged Edwina stiffly, whispering, "You made your choice, Edwina. It's time to grow up, face the real world. It is over for you." Edwina pushed off Annie, who had a gentle look of kindness on her face. 

Becky giggled and said, "Oh, poor, innocent, Edwina. Her childhood has ended, what a dope." 

"What's wrong with you guys? What did I do?!" She felt a sob brimming, until Annie put a finger to her lips. 

"It's all ours now. The power, the freedom, the control. I can do anything now, as long as we get rid of you." Annie and Becky clapsed their two hands together and Edwina swore she saw a surge of some kind of magic flow between them. Their eyes both glowed purple, and magic was gleaming from their free hands.

"Do you have a suggestion, to what you want to see first?" Becky smiled at her power as Edwina scowled.

"Scott. Back here. Now," Edwina hissed, crossing her eyes cockily. There was no way Annie and Becky had the power to do something like that. Magic didn't exist. She was the closest thing to magic Paw Paw had ever seen.

"Scott's been dealt with, he's out of the picture. Though, I could make him mine. A simple song from me would bewitch him, and the rest of our slaves can help." Annie began humming to herself, smiling at Edwina. 

"Don't you dare!" Edwina lunged at Annie, but found herself unable to move. Annie hissed and pushed her back to her original position. The rest of the cast had looks of fury on their faces. Annie snapped her fingers and they all turned to stone.

Becky laughed evilly, and grabbed Edwina's chin. "Paw Paw? Ours. The Dear Edwina Show? Done. Your life? Over. Scott? Whatever we want. You lost, Edwina. Accept it." Edwina stepped backwards as Annie and Becky used their free hands to blast Edwina backwards. Instead of hitting the pavement, she fell into a black oblivion. She didn't know where she was, but felt like it was water. She sank beneath the waves.

Edwina kicked and kicked for the surface, coming out to a black sky, surrounded by black and gray rocks and shores. She pulled herself out, panting. The sound of crying startled her, and she found a young Edwina on the rocks, staring out at the water. "Hola, Lola. Lola, hello! Hola, Lola, hello?" She looked up at Edwina and backed away.

"Are you trapped here, Edwina?" Edwina crouched down next to her. The outfit was from the night Scott left. 

"Yes. You did this to me." Edwina stood up in shock, and looked at the 13-year-old. 

"Me?" The young Edwina nodded, and Edwina was shoved from behind. A 14-year-old her was fuming.

"You are the reason we lost everything!" she screamed.

"Aren't we the same person?" Edwina looked at her younger selves in confusion.

An older version of her, maybe 21 or so, grasped Edwina's shoulders harshly. "This is the future we have if you don't grow up, and fix things, Edwina." 

Edwina stepped backwards, as the three turned to stone and crumbled in the wind. 

A beautiful, yet manipulative melody, rose from the water. It was... Annie? Edwina saw Scott sitting on a rock, with a siren version of Annie grasping to him. He seemed unable to do anything but look at Annie. Becky stood on the other side of the water, a princess, of some sorts. She waved at Edwina and Edwina saw Annie raise the tides and Edwina went under. 

She saw Scott's unconscious body floating down, and she dove after him. Eventually, she was swept away, into a black, endless, void.

Edwina's eyes fluttered open to a sideways view as she looked at her bedroom ceiling and the edge of her desk. She groaned, and sat up in her chair. A stack of homework still laid on the side of her desk, and a halfway done math worksheet was in the middle, the bane of Edwina's existence. 

Edwina sighed at the nightmare, a unique contender, for sure. She felt her phone buzz, an IPhone. She got a text message, from Annie. 

Hey, girl! Me, Becky, and some of the others are heading to the pool around 2:30 tomorrow. Just wondering if you wanted to tag along. Let me know! 🤪

Edwina rolled her eyes. Annie, the siren, a swimming pool. How fitting. What better did she have to do anyways tomorrow? She replied instantly, but reluctantly, with a simple 👍.

The One That Got Away- A Dear Edwina FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now