Chapter 5-The Cafeteria Fight

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The lunch bell rang, and Edwina gathered her books, bags, and breakfast. She liked eating breakfast for lunch, for no particular reason. The Tim Hortons tea and breakfast sandwich gave her a moment of solidarity throughout the grueling school days.

Edwina walked to the cafeteria and sat down at a table in the corner alone. She opened her Tim Hortons bag, and began to eat her sandwich, while studying for her science exam the next period.
"Edwina! Over here!" Becky waved from the centre table at the cafeteria, the designated cool kids table. She left her stuff at the table, and got up.
She walked by Scott, who was heading towards her. He grabbed her wrist and whispered in her ear. "I know you don't want my getting involved, Edwina, but don't do this to yourself. You're going to get humiliated."
Edwina looked at him, and he was begging her. Why did Scott care? He didn't still-did he? Edwina frowned. It was her decision, not his.
"Don't tell me what to do." Edwina ripped her arm away from Scott's grip, and walked the rest of the distance to the popular table.
"What do you want, Becky?" Edwina crossed her arms, and Becky giggled.
"What's with the harsh tone, Edwina? I thought you'd be more pleased that our group would even acknowledge your presence." The most popular girl in school, Brittany, flipped her blonde hair out of her face. She leaned on the table, and gestured to the chair across from her. "Sit."
"Believe me, I'd love to, but I don't have time..."
Brittany laughed at that sentence, and Edwina scowled. "What else better do you have to do? Sit at that corner table, and eat Tim Hortons like the loner you've become? Please, Edwina, you know you want this."
Edwina pulled out the chair and sat down across from Brittany. What did she want? Could it be that offer that Annie brought up at the pool?
"What do you think about dream boy being back?" Brittany fiddled with the straw in her glass, thinking to herself. "Seems like you two have been talking."
"You mean Scott? It's no big deal, but I see that this table has already...reunited with him." Brittany smiled, and leaned back in her seat. "What's the issue, Brittany? He say no to whatever this is you're trying to pull on me right now?"
"Oh my god, Edwina! It's simple enough. We want you to join our group, as long as you follow our simple and defining rules. No big deal, just sit back, relax, and let me explain." Edwina sighed at Brittany's behaviour, and frowned.
"That's not really Edwina's thing, Brittany. She's known to speak her mind." Annie giggled, and Brittany chucked an apple at her.
"Shut up, Annie! So, Edwina, here are the rules. If you listen, you join our group. Number one: I am your leader, your royalty. Every command that comes out of my mouth you listen to. Two: You will date whatever popular boy I tell you to, it'll add power to our group in this school. Number three: You join the cheerleading squad, and be a cheerleader dating a football player, classic. Four: You dress nicely, act our way, and be a clone in this group. Five: You will behave the same way, bully the lower downs who are beneath us. Number six: All your talents, strengths, and everything else belongs to us. We want your forging skills, your smarts, your beauty, it'll help us remain at the top of the food chain. And you will get beauty, riches, and popularity. What do you say, Edwina?" Brittany rambled on, and then crossed her arms, waiting.
"Why would I ever say yes to that, Brittany? Are you an idiot?" Becky and Annie laughed in the same empty way they had for years.
"I'll make your life a living hell if you don't, simple."
"More than it already is? Thanks, but no thanks. I don't need to be a part of your fake girl posse." Edwina stood up and walked back over to her table.
"Josh, baby, teach her a lesson." Edwina felt footsteps approaching her backside, so she turned and was met with a punch across the face.
"You keep your hands off her! Nobody touches her!" Edwina was dragged behind Scott, her head spinning. She held her hand to her head, and about a minute later, she looked up to find Scott standing over Josh's bruised body. He was panting, and turned back to Edwina.
"What? What did you just do?" Edwina stumbled over her words as Scott turned around.
"Meet me in the hallway in 2 minutes, no arguing. We need to talk, now." Scott rushed out of the cafeteria, leaving Edwina stunned and perplexed.
Edwina packed her bags up, and met Scott outside in the hallway. "Hey, what's up?"
"What's up? Edwina, I told you not to go over there! I just knocked a kid out because he punched you across the face!" Scott roared, pushing his hair out of his eyes.
"You didn't have to do that. Don't blame me for the way you just lashed out."
"You fell onto the table and your head was spinning. You were hardly in any place to defend yourself." Edwina sighed and sat down on the bottom step of the stairs.
"I can't believe you're actually here, Scott. It's not a nice feeling for...obvious reasons." Scott frowned as Edwina whispered those words, and leaned up against the lockers across from the stairs.
"Was it my fault?" Scott hissed.
"Was what your fault?" Edwina asked, taking a casual, yet slow bite out of her breakfast sandwich.
"Don't play dumb, Edwina. When I left, was it my fault that the Dear Edwina Show collapsed, and your life became hell?!" Edwina coughed on her food, and swallowed, before quickly yelping out her words.
"Oh, god no! It wasn't all you, at all, Scott! In fact, that was a tiny fraction of the explanation!" Edwina squealed, and Scott frowned.
"I still don't know what that explanation is. I need to know, Edwina." Scott mumbled, and Edwina wrapped her food up as she checked the time. She stood up and faced Scott.
"That's none of your business, and I hope it remains that way. Goodbye, Scott." Edwina walked up the stairs just as the bell rang, the signal that fourth period was beginning, leaving Scott behind in the crowd of moving students.

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