Chapter 6-A Project of Discussion

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Thursday, March 8th, 2012
Edwina poured the hot chocolate into a cup, and squirted whipped cream over the surface of the drink, and shut the lid. She slid the cup over the top of the pickup counter, and a greedy little 8-year-old, fresh off the soccer field, snatched it up.
"Thank you!" His mother waved, and the two walked outside into the blazing sun of Paw Paw, Michigan.
Edwina wiped the sweat off her forehead and checked the time. 6:30, the end of her after school shift.
After clocking out and biking home, Edwina set her bag down on the kitchen floor as she stepped inside her house. "Katie, I'm home!" Edwina stopped dead in her tracks as Katie was doing the dishes, while Scott leaned up on the counter. "Katie, what is HE doing here?" Edwina hissed, and Katie set the plate down in the sink.
"Um, he said he wanted to work on your project, or something? I shouldn't have let him in, without consulting you first, sorry." She pushed her brown braid behind her back and Edwina saw the guilty look on her face.
"It's fine, just take my advice...don't let strangers into the house." Edwina mumbled, the word "advice" was still uncomfortable to say.
"Stranger? Sure, I moved away, but it isn't my first time at the great Spoonapple house. Where are the folks, and Joe or Myra?" Scott stood up from his pose, scanning the house.
"My parents are at work, like always. And Joe and Myra are out seeking their musical careers in school. Happy?" Scott looked at Katie, who shook her head, signalling, "Don't ask, you'll make things worse."
"Uh, you wanna work on the essay now? We've gotta get it done eventually." Scott muttered, and Edwina grabbed her bag.
"Sure, pal. Just give me two seconds to breathe!" Edwina mocked Scott's demeanour, and went to walk upstairs. She changed into a simple sweater and tights, and Scott came upstairs.
"Hey, where do you want me to sit?"
"You've got it!" Scott grabbed out their supplies, and booted up his laptop. "Yeah, anyways. We have to select a disaster from history, and write an essay about the history, people involved, the situation and the outcome." Scott read off the assignment sheet, and Edwina scowled.
"I know the assignment!"
"What happened to you, Edwina? I thought we had a nice moment after that fight on Monday. I thought you weren't blaming me...for the collapse anymore."
"Well, maybe I am! Why do my thoughts and feelings have to be summed up so easily?"
Katie knocked on the door and set down a few bowls of chips and fruit. "For your troubles. And, it's good to see you, Scott. Just thought I should remind you." Scott smiled and Katie left the bedroom.
"So, the Titanic sound good enough, Your Highness?" Scott snickered, and Edwina sighed from her spot on the bed.
"Sure, easy enough."
Scott nodded in agreement, and began typing away on his laptop. " wanna talk?"
"I think you know the answer to that question!"
"I think we should try to be friends, it doesn't seem like you have a lot of them anymore, Edwina. At least stop treating me like I'm the worst person ever." He spun around in the desk chair to face Edwina.
"Fine. We're not friends, but I can tolerate the essentials around you, such as this project." Scott smiled and Edwina chucked a pillow at his head. "Get back to work, already."
"Yes, ma'am!" Scott continued to type, and they started to CASUALLY talk about life and such. Edwina felt her heart maybe warming up a little bit, he wasn't so bad. She couldn't forgive him, ever, though. No matter what. The clock read 8:30, and Scott shut the laptop.
"Well, we're about halfway done our research, and we eat some chips and some fruit, that's a good enough day for me." Scott chuckled, packing up his things.
"See ya, Scott." Edwina said, turning to her journal, and flipping to a blank page.
She looked at him, and couldn't look away, for he seemed like an angel in the lighting. "Don't be a stranger, I'm here." She nodded instead of feeling  hostile, and he left the room.
She flopped on the bed, and moaned into her hands. Why was she letting this happen? He was supposed to be the enemy.
She reached for her journal and wrote all her feelings down. She had to figure out this boy, for her own good.

The One That Got Away- A Dear Edwina FanFictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang