Chapter 7

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Day Four: 

Lucy, Angela and Nyla were back at the training ground. "Okay, let's get into some combat training." Lucy went to transform but Angela stopped her, "no, not in wolf form but in human form. We need to be able to fight as any form." They started running through the basics.

Tim's pov:

Lucy has come a long way in three short days. I'm so proud of how far she has come. I'm pissed that her former alpha used an old needle between claws trick on her. She seems happy, but I'm nervous about her decision in three days. Wait ... why am I nervous? I shouldn't be other than her parents have been amazing to me.

Tim watch Lucy train, there was a drive, some push in her that he hasn't seen before. They increased the fighting training and to say Lucy was laying some big punches is an understatement. Lucy was sparring with Nyla, while Angela watched. In the fight, the match was pretty even but with a finally move Lucy took Nyla down to the ground.

Tim, Angela and Nyla's minds: What! No that didn't happen. Lucy just took down one of the gammas, that's so cool and scary at the same time.

"Impressive, Lucy. That was some good fighting skills."  Nyla said while Lucy helped her up. "Thanks." "Are you sure you have fought anyone before?" Angela questioned. "No, never." "Okay, let's try fighting with our wolves." Angela and Lucy transformed into their wolves. They were sparring, Tim was watching when the Grey's came over to him. "How is she doing?" Luna questioned. "Let's just say we definitely know who her parents are. She took down Nyla in their human form. Now Angela and her are going at it." "Can we watch?" Wade asked and Tim nods. They watch as the fight continues, Lucy and Angela were both going well. "It looks like Angela and Lucy are equals in this sense." Luna says, but a bit after Lucy took Angela down. Everyone couldn't believe it, Tim's strongest fighters had met their match. Angela got back up and went up to Lucy, she nuzzled her head again Lucy's and Lucy returns the gesture. They both transformed into human form.

"Woah, Lucy you're good. I see you inherited some of your parents fighting skills. Can we spar together again?" Angela asked. "Yeah of course." "We need someone who is going to put more of a challenge." The girls looked at each other and said at the same time "Tim!" "What about me?" Tim and Lucy's parents walked over to them. "We were wondering if you could spar with Lucy. She's amazing and we know how strong of a fighter you are." "Only if it's okay with Lucy," Tim says and Lucy nods her head.

Tim transformed and then Lucy transformed. They started sparring but Lucy was holding back to not hurt Tim and everyone saw that. "Lucy, don't hold back. You won't hurt Tim at all okay." Angela said to reassure the wolf, with that they went back to sparring. Due to Lucy's size she was able to dodge Tim easily, Tim was enjoying himself as no one was able to put a match up against him, but Lucy did. Lucy climbed up a tree using the height as an advantage, she blended in and no one could see her. Tim was looking out to spot her but nothing, Lucy quietly snuck up behind him and pounce on him before he could react. They both transformed into their human selves. "Well done Lucy, I will have to say you're the strongest wolf I have sparred against." He put this hand out for her to shake and she accepted, "I had great teachers." She looks over at the girls. "Nope, no way. We did not train you that well, that's your instincts and your genetics that kicked in." Nyla said smiling at Lucy.

That night Lucy was talking with her parents about her training today and how much fun it was. Lucy knew she was falling for Tim but didn't want to be a burden to him, he has been so nice to her and welcoming but he wouldn't want her. 

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