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How come her and Akito ended up taking the same classes? By the end of day, Y/n was sure she had seen Akito in all of her classes except one, and Eita was just in two

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How come her and Akito ended up taking the same classes? By the end of day, Y/n was sure she had seen Akito in all of her classes except one, and Eita was just in two. 

But she felt relief rather than concern. At least she wasn't alone, even if she sat apart from Akito since she still didn't muster up the courage to approach him and ask if she could sit with him. 

But he was at least in the same room, it was a great comfort.

She sighs softly, checking the time to realize if she doesn't catch the next train, she'll be late for her work. Deciding to just directly head to the café she worked at, she stepped in the train that arrived. 

" Y/n. " 

She looked up, realizing Akito was standing beside her. 

" Yamada. Hi, I didn't see you enter. "

" I got in through the other compartment. " he held out a box, " that girl who sat beside you asked me to give you this. "

Y/n blinks, grabbing it. " I see, thank you. " She stared at the ribbon, tilting her head. ‘Could it be that she gave it to me by accident?’ Was she supposed to hold onto it until tomorrow? 

" She said it's a gift for being her friend..." Akito mumbled, " Are you sure she's not bothering you? "

" Yes, " She nods, " She's a nice person. It's just her personality is too loud...." she trailed off, " I'll take time getting used to it. But I like her company. "

" Okay. " 

‘That's good.’ 

Akito thinks, staring out of the window as buildings passed, ' I didn't think there was someone as straightforward as that person. Well, it seems Y/n needs someone like that, since she's hesitant in making friends by herself. '

" That's my stop for today. " His thoughts are cut short as he watches her grip on the pole, " I'm heading to work. Have a safe journey home. "

" You too. " He mumbled, watching her exit the train. He sighed, mentally face palming. He couldn't ask her yet once again...if he could sit beside her during the classes...

- - - 


Y/n sets her book down, looking at the source of sound. 

" Morning, Yamada. "

" Morning.." Akito trailed off, " Do you mind if I sit here? "

" Not at all. " She said right away, looking ahead with red ears, " I mean...the seat's...free..." 

Akito held back a smile as he set the bag down, before he could settle, another bag is slammed on the other side of Y/n. 

" Y/n, you have a boyfriend? Damn it. "

𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞; 𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐚Where stories live. Discover now