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Minutes pass by and soon enough, Akito feels her lean on him as she drifts off to sleep

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Minutes pass by and soon enough, Akito feels her lean on him as she drifts off to sleep. He shuffled closer, leaning back so she could lay down

As he fixed her blanket, he felt Eita's suspicious yet playful stare on him. He sighed, giving him a look, though his ears burn from embarrassment. Eita winked, giving him a thumbs up before focusing on the movie. 

He shook his head, cautiously grabbing a few strands of her hair as she slept peacefully with her head on his thigh, combing his fingers through her soft locks. 

Soon enough, everyone is shuffling out of his home after bidding goodbyes and teasing him about Y/n falling asleep on him. 

He sighed, carefully picking her up and laying her down on the bed in the guest room, glancing at the time. It was only half past eleven at night, he wondered if she wanted to stay or not. 

Locking the doors and checking the windows, he went to his own room. He'd decide what to do tomorrow later. He fell on his bed, rubbing his eyes tiredly. 

' What if...I seriously like her? '

It wasn't his fault that her smile was so entrancing, he thinks passively as he snuggled in his blanket, it wasn't his fault that she was just the kind of person he imagined he'd be with if he was ever interested in romance. 

' I think I already do. Damn it. '

- - -

" Yamada? " Y/n poked his arm, hesitant. She didn't know if she was supposed to enter his room, but they had classes soon and he was still fast asleep.

His alarm was toppled on the ground, the blanket too was hanging off half way from the bed. She chuckled, 

" Yamada, we have classes. "

She shook him a little harder, pausing as she felt him grab her wrist instead and pull her closer. She toppled over him with a yelp, unmoving as she tried to figure out if he's awake or not.

That didn't matter. Right now, he was holding her...no, cuddling her and it was making her heart hammer again. She wasn't stupid, of course. She knew what all of this meant, but she was still worried. 

Did he really like her? Her?! She couldn't help but think with a ridiculed tone, he was way better than that. She knew he deserves someone better, but there was also a part of her that made her happy that he paid so much attention to her. 

She clutched on his shirt, " A-Akito? "

Eyes fluttering open, Akito stared down at her sleepily,  " Mhm? "

" Wake up. We have classes..."

" My alarm didn't ring yet...we have time..."

" It's on the floor. " She smiled, " You turned it off earlier. "

He blinked, trying to push the sleepiness away as he heard her.
" Huh? I see..." he rubbed his eyes but then realized the warmth around him was more than his blanket.

He widened his eyes, " Did I—" He flushed, sitting up and clearing his throat. " Sorry. "  Y/n nods slowly, getting off the bed with a smile to herself.

" It's alright. I've made breakfast with what I could find in your fridge. " she opened the door,  " It'll get cold. So hurry up. "

" S-Sure. " 

He groaned inwardly the moment the door fell shut, heaving out a sigh. ' it's okay, she didn't seem mad or anything. I'll just be careful not to come off too strong...'


Fuck that. 

" But wouldn't that be too much...? " Y/n sighs, picking on the box in her hand as she leaned back against the foot of the couch, " I'll just cook for us. I think Eita, Runa and Sakura will be here soon. "

" Are you sure? Cooking will take a lot of time and effort. " Akito sighed, " It's easier to just order so we can enjoy ourselves. "

" Mhm. " Y/n picked the chocolate, " But are you sure this is okay? I heard from Eita that you usually don't like people coming over. But we've been having movie marathons a lot lately..."

" It's fine, I don't mind. If I did, I'd have told you guys to plan it somewhere else. " He sat up straighter as he saw her bite into the chocolate, holding it between her teeth as she nibbled onto it. 

"...." His mind went blank, he was supposed to add something else after that...but what was it? He blinked,

' Huh? '

" Yamada? " She mumbled, reaching over to grab the chocolate but she stopped as Akito grabbed her wrist. Her eyes widened as he leaned over, heart hammering.

' Whaaaat?! '

She held her breath as he lingered after biting into the chocolate, moving closer and closer as he took small bites, his hands placed behind her on the edge of the couch. 

Speechless, she forgot to hold onto the remaining chocolate and it fell down, causing Akito to pause inches away from her lips. 

" I-I thought you don't like sweets much? "

" This one seemed tasty.. " he mumbled as if he's in a trance, staring into her eyes. She gulped, cheeks flushing. 

" I see. " She tries to calm her racing heart, unable to break the eye contact,
" Then—"



She pats her chest, taking deep breaths through her flustered state as Akito pulled away, did Eita see them? She hoped not or their teasing would be endless. 

She shut her eyes, deeply disappointed yet somewhat worried. Maybe if they had just kissed, it'd be clear for her.

But now, they'd have to talk about it face to face. She wasn't sure what Akito would decide. Either to ignore it or actually address it. 

' Do I like him? I've never liked anyone...these feelings are strange but...' She blinked, ' Maybe I do like him. I don't feel more at ease with anyone other than him. He's like a comfort blanket. '

She flushed further, taking a deep breath. ' Okay! Let's talk once you get the chance. Just ask him, it's not a big deal. '

By the time it's over, she's blankly heading for the door. Before she could open it, it was forced shut and she blinked. She could hear Eita and Sakura's giggles outside. 

Snapping out of the daze, she realized Akito was standing right behind her, causing her to whip around, eyes slightly wide. 

" Eita knows exactly when to disturb. " He mumbled, sounding displeased as he stepped closer, " Y/n, I hope I you're not uncomfortable, but I really want to kiss you. "

She gulped softly, "....oh. "

" Can I? "

" Yes. "

" Are you sure? "

" Absolutely—"



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