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" Yamada? "

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" Yamada? "

" R-Right. " Akito blinked, " Eita said he can’t make it. " He sighed, " Is it alright if it's just the two of us? "

" Of course. " she mumbled, " Is everything okay with him? "

" Yes. " 

" Okay, then. Do you want to go in? "

He nodded, holding onto the popcorn and she held the drinks as they entered the theater. Though the whole plan was made by Eita, he had backed out. 

Now Akito wondered if he had done this on purpose...either way, he didn't mind because he quite likes Y/n's company. 

" Any idea how the movie will go? I'm not a big fan of horror. "

" Now that I think about it..." Akito sighed, " Eita doesn't like horror movies either. Don't know why he'd choose this one. Tell me right away if you want to leave. "

" Okay. "

The movie starts off pretty simple really. Akito isn't phased by the jumpscares at all, but he does see Y/n flinch every time one comes up. 

He didn't know if she was scared of watching horror movies or this one was just too bad for her. Nonetheless, she didn't express any interest in leaving, so he enjoyed the movie and popcorn.

He cringed as a good few people screamed, but freezing the moment he felt an anxious grip on his hand. He slowly glanced at Y/n's hand, she seemed completely unaware of her own action and immersed in the scene. 

He smiled, using his other hand to eat the popcorn as he averted his gaze back to the big screen, though he did feel blood rushing up his neck. 

When the credits roll in, he hears Y/n sigh a deep breath in relief. " Phew...that was scary...but wasn't it good? I've never liked a horror movie this much. "

" So you do watch horror movies. " 

" Occasionally, yes. " she mumbled,
" But none of those were as impressive as this one—"

Akito smirked as he watched her pause, she must have realized she's still holding his hand. 

Her grip had loosened when the movie ended, but she was still holding onto his. He raised an eyebrow as she looked at him wide eyed, slowly taking it off with a red face.

He chuckled as the lights turned on, and her red face just seems redder in the sudden bright lights. " Let's go. Do you want to have lunch? I saw a restaurant on the way here. "

" O-Okay. "

He glanced at her embarrassed expression and shook his head. " It was a nice movie. Eita missed it. "

" Yeah..." she glanced at him, " Why didn't you tell me I was holding your hand? " She mumbled, looking away. 

" Did I....grip too hard? "

Akito chuckled, " Well, if you didn't hold my hand, you'd have held the hand of the person on your left. " 

" But still! " 

" It's okay, Y/n. " He reassured as he moved to her right, " I didn't mind. "

' Since when did I get so bold with a girl? '  He mused to himself, ' Could it be that she's shy so I don't feel awkward? Eita should be proud of me...'

He opened the door to the restaurant, letting her step in. The waitress leads them to a booth and soon enough, their food is coming out. 

He could hear the buzzing of Y/n's phone, he wondered why she wouldn't answer the calls. But seeing as it's none of his business, he let it be. 

" It's tasty. " She stared at the fried chicken feet, eyes glistening in amazement, " Try this. "

He smiled, taking a bite. " It is. " he mumbled, " I might as well take some back for dinner. "

" You don't cook, Yamada? "

" I don't get the time to. " He glanced at her phone, " Most of my time goes to classes and I keep up with my gaming. It's easier to get food outside or order from home. "

" Mhm...understandable. " 


" Y/n? Why don't you answer it? "

She bit her lip, grabbing the phone and checking the caller ID, " Okay. Give me a minute. "

He nods, watching as she disappeared towards the washrooms. He sighed, cutting the barbecue steak and adding it to her plate, hoping it won't go cold by the time she's back. 

Not even seconds later, she's sitting down and thanking him for the meat. He nods, trying to read her face for any noticeable signs of distress. 

Other than being a little lost in thought, she doesn't seem all that different. He sighed softly to himself, wondering if she would rather be home alone. 

" Do you want to go home? "

" No. " She looked at him slightly alarmed,  " Uh...I'd rather stay out today. " she picked at her food, " Am I keeping you for too long? "

" I'm free today. " he smiled, " What do you want to do next, then? "

"....can we go get some dessert after this? "

" Sure. " He typed on his phone while she ate,  " There's a bakery down the street. The reviews are good too..."

" Oh, we can get a cake! "

" Okay. " he smiled, " Let's finish eating here. "

- - -


He wouldn't pry, but something didn't feel right. This was the first time Y/n let him walk her all the way to her apartment building. All the other times, she parts ways by the convenience store.

She seemed out of it the more they neared the apartment building, and she had gone completely quiet as they paused. He glanced at the building, not many lights were on.

They had lost track of time after all, it was way past midnight. He tugged at her sleeve, staring at her as she stood there. 

" Is there someone bothering you?....at home? "

" No. I live alone..." she blinked, " Thank you for walking me. I had fun today. " She held the bag up, " Do you want to take the cake home instead? "

" I don't eat too much sugar. " he pushed her hand down gently, " Then, I'll see you on Monday. "

" Yes. Please text me once you reach. It's getting quite late. "

He hummed, bidding her a goodnight before making his way towards the main road. He glanced at his watch, "....anyhow, she doesn't seem fine. Could it be that someone is bothering her and she's hesitant to tell me? "

He sighed. " I shouldn't interfere if so...but..."

He couldn't help but feel extremely uneasy. 

He paused, glancing at the empty road behind him. Heaving out a worried sigh, he hesitantly resumed his journey back home. 


𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞; 𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐚Where stories live. Discover now