Chapter 14

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A/N: Y'all! It's not a love triangle with Davina. I just wanted them both to feel like they have a choice and they aren't together simply because they're soulmates. Davina was Kol's opportunity to feel like he has a choice and is not being forced. Stick with me please lol It's not as bad as you think. The muse has a plan.

"Haven't you made a mess of things." Persephone heard from behind her. It was such a familiar voice but she didn't expect to be hearing it. It had been so long. Especially in the real world. She turend around to see Kol. She wanted to be happy butthe rage was still there. So instead her face showed indifference. 

"Have I?"

"You blocked yourself from me."

"Did I?" she asked then kept walking. She was in the woods. It was her preferred area. Easy to sneak away as a wolf.


"What, Kol?!" she asked as he basically chased her.

"I am back for you." She turned just so she could glare at him. 

"No, you're back for Davina. You're back for you. And you're here so they could all prioritize their own lives again." She started taking off her clothes, knowing she was going to be changing soon. Whether he was there or not.

"You are my priority. I am sorry about Davina."

"I don't care. Go be with her. She brought you back. That's love." She didn't want to be saying the words. She did wish she was the one to bring him back. But she was so focused on her own issues. She felt guilty. But then that guilt turned to bitterness becuas eof her belief that if he'd been with her, he'd never have died in the first place.

Kol didn't give up. Persephone didn't know if she was happy or annoyed with him. Actually she did know what she felt. He followed her for months. There were likely things going on with his siblings but he still chose to follow her in silence. She hadn't spoken to him since he was revived. Again. She was tired of him dying. She was tired of living.

Persephone had stayed in her wolf ripper stage for a while. Except now she had an Original helping protect her. Which she would need. Apparently, she'd developed a reputation. She'd been tracking a vampire on the edge of the woods on her claimed territory.

Upon starting her pursuit, she was herded into a ritual circle. It held her in place as they began to chant. Persephone was forced from her wolf form. She stood up naked and slightly bloody. Growls turned into screams. She could feel Kol was near. "Your time is up, Hybrid! Now you must face your fate." one of them said. Persephone could hear the pain in her voice.

"That might not work the way that you want it to," she told them honestly, "But you can let me go then we'll call it even. If I have to escape, you all will likely die. I cannot help that."

"You can't help that! My sister did not deserve her end!" the anonymous witch shouted at Persephone.

"While that is likely true, if she defended vampires, why is it my fault that she attacked me and I defended myself?"

"It doesn't matter. Your reign of terror is over." Persephone laughed coldly.

"How wrong you are." She said as Kol stepped out from the tree line.

"My lovely little mate is right. You should go now. Before it gets bloody. And it will get bloody."

"Who are you?"

"Huh, haven't had that happen in a long time," Kol said.

"Seriously?  A little less chatting a little more helping?" Kl looked at her.

"Oh, you want my help? Because i thought that you didn't want my help. I thought that you wanted to do this on your own. I thought-"

"Either help or fuck off," she said shortly. He smirked.

"So ladies and gentlemen? What's our verdict?" Kol asked. He was hit by an intense headache of aneurysms but began to attack the witches. After the fourth one was dead, the magic holding Persephone back was broken. She finished three of the four others.

    The couple looked around at the carnage and Persephone dropped to a knee. She screamed and Kol could feel the agony. There was a burst of energy that came from inside her and blew him back in addition to the trees in the mile radius of them.

    It took Kol a while to heal from all the wood. He walked back as soon as he could, slightly limping as the chips had to remove themselves from his legs. "I'm so tired. I'm tired of living." she whispered, knowing he could hear her. He walked up to her and sat down. 

"I know. But you need to heal. You need time. We can do that together."

"I don't want to heal. I don't want to live."

"Well too bad. I'm forcing you too. Live and do better and forgive yourself. And one day, when you'll die, I'll figure out to follow right behind you," he said and she nodded. She couldn't keep up with this. Even the freedom of being a wolf was becoming too restrictive. And it was feeding into her darker urges, not helping them.

    Persephone stood and stared around. "Everyone hates me."

"No. I'm sure there are some in the world. But the people that love you still do. That has not changed. And you don't need to work on their forgiveness. You need to forgive yourself."

"How can I?"

"By trying to be different. Not doing it again. I promise, i'll help. I'm sorry about everything. About me dying the first time. About Davina. About my mother. I'm sorry about all of it." He used his blood stained fingers to push a few messy cruddy curls from her face. She stared at his lips and he did the same.

They hadn't kissed. Not even once. Davina got an opportunity to lock lips with her soulmate before she did. Persephone was angry in the back of her mind. But in the front she was distracted by what would be her first kiss. Ever. Their lips came together and they became each other's air. Both felt it from the top of their heads to a tingle in their toes. She knew now why so many people did it. Why people liked affection. She knew now what she'd been missing out on.

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