Chapter 16

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Persephone wanted to change. She didn't want to be the same person that ended up hurting all those people. But it started little. The first thing she did was enroll in more than just violin classes and musical composition classes. She enrolled in a history class too.

She was on the campus for a week before she saw Bonnie. She was walking to class with Matt. They were holding hands and looking so happy. Persephone didn't know whether to avoid them or not. Then Matt saw her and their eyes connected. "What?" Persephone heard Bonnie say with her enhanced hearing. Matt gestured over to Persephone. She heard Bonnie's heart rate increase as she walked over. She also heard the sigh release from her mouth.

"You're back," Bonnie said. Persephone nodded but couldn't look her in the eyes. "That mean Kol is around?" She nodded again. "Are you sure he is good for you? I mean, look at how you act when he isn't there. When he keeps dying and returning and dying again." Persephone looked up with a glare.

"I love Kol."

"I'm not saying you don't. But Persephone, you've loved him since you were thirteen. And it's brought you nothing but heartache."

"I'm so sorry I couldn't have a mundane relationship like you and Matt. I can't be normal. I have never been normal. You think some random human is going to understand that?" Persephone asked.

"Maybe. Maybe not."

"I don't have time for this. I've got a Bio Anthro lab to get to," Persephone said.

"Since when do music majors need that?"

"They don't. I just- I'm late. Can we-"

"Dinner tonight? We can go to Maisies Diner like we did the first semester."

"Third wheeling again. Should be fun," she said and wanted to say more but kept her mouth shut.

"I guess you could invite Kol."

"Oh I can, can I?"

"This isn't easy for me either." Persephone didn't reply to her. She just walked away, speed walking so she could get there faster.

The room was set up with lab tables though they wouldn't actually do any experiences. She looked to the teacher who had just begun talking. "Your lab partners are listed here," the woman gestured to the wall where lists had been posted. Persephone looked over at it then went to her assigned table.

She went and sat down then took out her notebook. Someone sat down next to her. It was a male and she could tell by the pine scent. But it wasn't overwhelming like cologne. It was as if he'd actually spent a lot of time in nature. "You must be Persephone," he said and she looked up at him. He was dark haired, blue eyed, tall and muscular wearing a Henley.

"I must be. I'm sorry I didn't read your name."

"Leto. I'm Leto." She nodded as he sat down, "So, you any good at this stuff?" She shrugged.

"I'm okay. I'm good at school just in general."

"Me too. I graduated when I was fifteen." She looked over at him in surprise.

"Me too," she said. The teacher started going over their instructions so they had to stop talking. When the class was over, Leto stopped her.

"Can I get your number?" she looked confused, "So we can get together to do the lab report."

"Oh. Right. Umm, okay," she rarely used her phone anyway but had no problem giving him the number.

"See you around, Persephone." She didn't reply, just went about her day.

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