Chapter 8: Victorious or Defeated?

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Few Days later~

Darshan with a few men dressed in formal black tuxedos, arrived at the massive office of Kulkarni Enterprises.

As Darshan got down from his car, smirking to himself, he motioned all of his men to follow him into the building.

"I want to meet Mr Kulkarni." Darshan said in a dominating voice at the reception table with one hand on his waist and the other on the desk.

Nervously, the receptionist, dialed a number quickly on the telephons dialpad and said,
"Mr Darshan Raval is here. He wants to meet Kulkarni sir."

On receiving an answer from the other end, the receptionist nodded to herself and asked Darshan to wait for few seconds.

He kept on looking at his watch until Mr Kulkarni arrived himself to welcome Darshan in his office, little did that poor man know what was awaiting him!

"Arey kya saubhagya hai mera.. Come Mr Raval.." Mr Kulkarni greeted him warmly to which Darshan smiled.

"Sir would you mind me going to your cabin for a small talk?" Darshan asked.

"Yeah sure why not.. Please come!"

Darshan nodded and followed Mr Kulkarni to his cabin.

"Please get seated Mr.." Mr kulkarni told Darshan pointing at the chair facing his table.

Darshan accepted the invitation and sat down.

With much confidence, he said,
"Okay so Mr Kulkarni.. I would like to change the centre of Kulkarni Enterprises and merge it with Raval Industries.. Well, why am I even asking you this.. I have all rights to do so!" Darshan exclaimed fake smiling.

"Umm.. What do you mean..?" Confused, Mr Kulkarni asked.

"Oh sorry..just a minute." Darshan said and took his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number and said over the call,

"Please bring the files.."

In no time one of the men in formal back who accompanied Darshan, knocked on the cabin door.

Looking at the entrance, Darshan got up from his seat and opened the door and let that man in.

He then took out a will paper and handed back the rest of the files to him.

Puzzled Mr Kulkarni exchanged glances with Darshan not understanding a single thing happening in the room.

"Here Mr Kulkarni.." Darshan said, getting seated again and giving the will to Mr Kulkarni.

Confused, curious Mr Kulkarni quickly went through the entire will and felt as if the ground beneath his sole just slipped away.

"Wh.. What is this?" Kulkarni said, sweating.

"Why are you sweating sir.. The AC is working fine I guess?" Darshan said, sarcastically.

"What is this Mr Raval?" In a stern tone, Mr Kulkarni now asked.

"Court papers..what else?" Darshan said as if it meant nothing for him.

"When was this court paper passed.. And why do I see my sign there...??"

"Come on Mr Kulkarni! Of course I can't copy your sign now! It must be you who did it! Now don't joke.. Get up from the chair.. It's now under Darshan Raval, representative of Raval Industries."

"But.. I never signed on such a will paper! How come my sign is here..? And Mr Raval we had never talked about my company to be taken over by yours! We just collaborated few days back!" Mr Kulkarni now lost his cool.

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