Chapter 12: The Avengers

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The new of Silk stopping the armed robbery was every where, to the point where teams like the Avengers and the Justice League hear about it

"Do you guys think she could be a part of the Avengers?" Iron Man asked his team

"Someone who's like Spider-man just female? Why not?" Hawkeye said

"It doesn't matter if it's a female or male. If they are a warrior, then they are worthy of joining the Avengers" Thor said

"Guys..." Iron Man sighs "Should we give Silk a chance?" He asked, after thinking carefully

"Why not?" Captain America replied "We should give every hero a chance... besides Deadpool" Captain America added

"But why didn't we give Spider-man a chance?" Black Widow asked, still confused on the reason why they didn't ask him to join

"Batman recruited him. Have you forgot?" Iron Man answers her question

"Well, let just hope he's doing great" Captain America said

With Spider-man who was trying to stop a car chase

"I'm not doing great at all" Spider-man said

Back with the Avengers

"Guys... and Natasha, We all want a useful member. Someone we know will benefit the team and be someone who also has time to talk" Bruce Banner said

"Bruce Buddy. You are far better when you are trying to kill us as Hulk" Iron Man said

"Stark thats enough. Something like that can happen once" Captain America said

"He nearly ripped me in half" Iron Man said

"But he didn't. We stopped Hulk and we got him to be part of the team" Captain America said

"We still have to think this through. We can't just recruit anyone we want. Lets make a promise, we think this through and look for Silk incase we want her to join" Iron Man said

Suddenly an alarm went off to indicate a mission

"What is the meaning of this sudden mission?" Thor asked

"Oh come on" Iron Man said, having a annoyed voice

"What?" Captain America asked

"Ultron is attacking the city again" Iron Man answered

"How many times do we have to destroy his body?" Black Widow asked, showing how annoying it is to destroy Ultron only for him to return

"Should we call Pietro and Wanda?" Hawkeye asked

"Call them. We need all the help we can get" Iron Man replied, having taken a tiny moment to think about it

"I'm gonna go then" Hawkeye said and went off to call Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch

Meanwhile Thor picked up Mjolnir, Captain America put his helmet on and took his shield, Black Widow loaded her guns and took extra magazines, Iron Man called his suit and put it on

Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Hawkeye returned

"You guys also ready to go?" Iron Man asked

"Let me get some arrows and we can go" Hawkeye said, putting arrows into his quiver "We can go"

They headed to the Quinjet

"It would be cool to have Spider-man here too" Quicksilver said in his Sokovian accent

"Well he isn't. We wanted to recruit him but we didn't. We thought he'd be a villian but, he is a good hero" Captain America told Quicksilver

"I wonder if he's single" Scarlet Witch said outloud in her Sokovian accent

Everyone stopped and looked at her

"What? Can i not have my fantasies?" Scarlet Witch said, looking at everyone

"We all can. It's just that you're 17 years old" Captain America told Scarlet Witch

"Oh i get it. Yeah i understand it" Scarlet Witch said, feeling embarrassed that she was talking about Spider-man

"Lets get over that, Stark where is Ultron attacking?" Thor asked Iron Man

"The City? New York? Ringing any bells?" Iron Man answered Thors question in a questioning way

"You do know that an Asgardian still needs time to adjust to his new surounding?" Thor told Iron Man

"Sorry i keep forgetting that you have been back for only a month" Iron Man said to Thor "But you still know where most things are, right?" Iron Man added

"Stark i am not stupid. I wasn't here in a while, that is everything" Thor answered

"Well boys if you are done with your love talk we would then like to go and take Ultron down" Black Widow said, while looking at Iron Man and Thor

"Natasha you're flying the Quinjet, right?" Bruce Banner asked

"Yeah. You'll have to turn green and jump out when we are over the battle ground" Black Widow told Bruce Banner

"That's good to know. Just tell me then and i'll jump out" Bruce Banner said

They finally reached the Quinjet, entering it and turning it on

"We will fly behind the Quinjet and follow it" Thor told Black Widow

"Do we have to?" Iron Man asked

"Stark shut your mouth and use your suit to fly" Thor told Iron Man

"I made the Quinjets and i always have to fly and follow it" Iron Man said

"Boys calm yourselfs down" Black Widow said "Just follow the Quinjet and be careful" Black Widow added, while looking at Thor and Iron Man

"Romanoff i am sure we can trust you on flying fast yet slow enough for us to follow you" Thor said, trusting Black Widow with her flying skills

"Guys are you ready or are you just going to wait fir Ultron to destroy half the city?" Captain America walked out of the Quinjet and asked

"Mr World War Two. Yeah we are ready to go" Iron Man answered Captain America, while insulting the time period Captain America is from

"Funny. Put your helmet on and judt fly behind the Quinjet" Captain America said and went back into the Quinjet "Everyone put your earpiece in" Captain America added

Everyone did as Captain America said, putting there earpiece in

"So we have to stop Ultron again. We have to be careful this time, because he always comes back stronger and smarter. Now any plans on how we could take him down fast and without causing too much damage?" Captain America said, while looking at Everyone

Meanwhile Spider-man came back to New York to see Ultron attacking

"I think i might head back to Mount Justice" Spider-man said in a joking way, before swinging off into the city "Where are the Avengers when you need them" Spider-man said to himself

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