Chapter 14: Ultrons Uprise

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Hulk has knocked all the Ultron Sentrie away from him teammates

"Hulk save teammates" Hulk said right before a orange beam hit him, sending him back

"What the hell?" Spider-man said, not really knowing what happened nor where that orange beam came from

"Incompitant green beast. You all want to stop me but, i have got a secret for you. This will be the last day you all live" Ultron appeared and said, getting ready to blast more repulsors at the heros

"I created you. I made you. How did you become sentient?" Iron Man asked, still trying to figure out why Ultron suddenly became bad even when the code was meant to make him protect earth

"Why? I still have no feelings, no mind. I am made to protect earth. No it's in habitants. Stark you don't see it do you?" Ultron tried to make Iron Man understand

"What do i not understand?" Iron Man wanted to hear Ultron out before even going into a battle

"The humans of earth just kill each other, harming the earth in the process. Why should i protect something that only destroys. The Ultron Sentrie were made for peace keeping, only to be destroyed, over and over and over again. Once i achieve my plan earth will be safe" Ultron explain the entire reason for his evil doing, by blaming the human race

"Wait" Spider-man yelled out, causing everyone to freeze "There are other ways. If we continue to fight and fight we'll end up dying, each one of us"

"You arachnided kid don't understand one thing" Ultron said right before getting destroyed by an Ultron with a much better designed body that is harder to be destroyed "As long as only a piece of me stays alive, well online, then i will always come back"

Thor just threw Mjolnir at Ultron catching him off guard and hitting Ultron pretty hard

"Thats two down. Let us get the rest before.." Thor was cut off by an evil laugh, making him stop and look, just to see the Ultron which he just hit get back up like nothing ever happened

"Foolish god. Is there even any smartness in your Asgardian brain or are each of you that stupid?" Ultron asked Thor, starting to walk up on the Avengers, Spider-man and Daredevil

"Take.." Thor gasped as he threw Mjolnir at Ultron just to see Ultron catch it "How can this be?"

"Oh foolish god. I'm a maschin. Do you really think that this hammer tests a maschines worthiness?" Ultron mocked Thor as he threw Mjolnir back at Thor, hitting him right in the face, sending Thor flying back

"Everyone, attack him at the same time. He will not know how to counter each of us" Captain America said, making the Avengers follow his lead to fight Ultron

Spider-man and Daredevil stayed behind

"If Ultron can knocked down Thor than who am i to even try?" Spider-man said, seeing how strong Ultron must be to

"Spider-man you know that we as heros have to fight. If you give up this early then you will never learn what it truly means to be a hero. No matter how strong your oppenent is you have to fight him, even if it means you might die" Daredevil gave the advice to Spider-man, which is something that could potentionally help him in a fight later in his hero live

"You know i can't just die. I can't leave my aunt and Zatanna alone. After all i'm not a hero for that long" Spider-man gave Daredevil the reason why he doesn't want to try

"Well then you shouldn't be a hero Spider-man. Stay at home, do whatever you want but, stop being a hero if you back down from one fight" Daredevil said, going ahead and charging at Ultron, lwaving Spider-man standing there and thinking

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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