Chapter 13: The Avengers Part 2

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"Bruce get ready to turn green" Black Widow said as they were about to get to the location of Ultron

"Just jump, then turn to Hulk" Bruce Banner told himself, preparing himself on the fact that he'll jump out of a Quinjet midair

"Not your first time i presume" Hawkeye asked, seeing Bruce Banner nervous and talking to himself

"No, not the first time. The first time i did this was when Abomination attacked Harlem. I failed and landed hard, I survived because i turned to Hulk right after landing" Bruce Banner told Hawkeye still nervous and stressed that it might happen again

"You got this Bruce. Just remember to be angry and everything will be alright" Captain America reasured Bruce Banner

"Twenty seconds Bruce" Black Widow said to Bruce Banner, to make him prepare himself to jump

"You got this Bruce. It's not your first time after all" Bruce Banner prepared himself

"Ten seconds" Black Widow said

"You got this Bruce. We count on you and the Hulk a lot" Captain America gave Bruce Banner some motivation

"Now Bruce" Black Widow said, looking back to see that Bruce Banner wasn't there "Where is.." Black Widow got cut off

"He jumped. Just fly us Natasha" Hawkeye said to Black Widow, preparing himself for the battle they will have with Ultron and the Ultron Sentries

Meanwhile Spider-man was fighting with a lot of Ultron Sentries "How many are there?!" He said as he started to get exhausted

"You will die for the glory of Ultron" one Ultron Sentrie told Spider-man

"Oh shut up. This is no Terminator movie" Spider-man said as he punched the same Ultron Sentrie that told him he'll die

Spider-man was getting surounded by a lot of Ultron Sentries "Oh come on!" Spider-man yelled out as he was annoyed by the amount of fighting he'll have to do

Suddenly a red baton hit an Ultron Sentrie and returned to the owner

"Finally someone to help" Spider-man said looking at the red batons owner

Back with the Avengers who just landed and got out of the Quinjet

"Next time i'm flying inside the Quinjet" Iron Man said, looking at Thor

"No Stark. You can fly in your little tin maschin" Thor replied, looking at Iron Man as if he want's to fight him

"Guys, we have to defeat Ultron. After that you can fight each other" Captain America said, while looking at the two Heros

"Fine but, don't you dare do anything stupid, Stark" Thor said as he started to swing Mjolnir really fast and flying towards the Ultron Sentries

"And people thought that People from mythologies are like they were in those mythologic stories" Iron Man said, flying off to fight against the Ultron Sentries

"Pietro, you know the plan" Captain America looked at Quicksilver, wanting to see if Quicksilver paid any attention to the plan

"Yeah the plan was... it was... i don't have any idea" Quicksivler said to Captain America as Scarlet Witch hit Quicksilver with her elbow into his side

"Pietro you should pay attention to the plan and not some women you see" Scarlet Witch said, annoyed at her brother for never listening to discussions

Captain America sighs "You run and knock down as many Ultron Sentries as possible. Did you pay attention now?" Captain America asked, looking annoyed at the fact that he had to dumb down the plan for Quicksilver

"Got it. Run at Superspeed and knocked down as many mini Ultrons as possible" Quicksilver said and got ready to run

Back with Spider-man

"Thanks for the help man" Spider-man said, panting due to his exhaustment and tiredness

"No problem Pete" Daredevil, the owner of the red baton, told Spider-man as he put his batons into their pouch "Just remember that you can call incase you need help" Daredevil added

"Yeah i know. It's just that i have been in Happy Harbour with the team and i was.." Spider-man wanted to explain yet he was cut of by Daredevil who raised his hand in a stopping motion

"You are young Pete. It doesn't matter if here, Happy Harbour or Gotham. Call for help when you need help, don't try to do everything alone" Daredevil told Spider-man in a relaxed voice

"Thank you Matt but, it's just that i'm still not a that well known hero. I still want to make a name for myself" Spider-man explained to Daredevil

"Well you have time. Let's just get ready to help other Heros who need help" Daredevil told Spider-man, as he got ready to walk around and help as many civilians and small time heros as possible

The two started to walk out of the alleyway just to see a lot of Ultron Sentries attack the city and it's civilians, both then sighed

"This will be a long day" Spider-man said, getting ready to fight more Ultron Sentries

Back to the Avengers who were still fighting a lot of Ultron Sentries

"Tony can't you hack them or something?" Hawkeye said, shooting arrow after arrow at the Ultron Sentrie

"I wish it was that easy but no. They have so many firewalls and a lot of Malware to use as a counter hack" Iron Man answered, shooting his repulsors at the Ultron Sentrie, making them explode or even fly back and get destroyed

"Tony there are too many. How is this even possible" Captain America said, throwing his shield at the Ultron Sentrie, as the shield bounces around hitting one after the other, then comming back into his hand

"I don't know. I'm getting overrun guys" Iron Man said to the other as a lot of Ultron Sentrie started to close in on Iron Man

"These damn Robots. I will destroy you all" Thor said as he threw Mjolnir at the Ultron Sentrie, destroying a lot of them in the process

"There are too many, we need another plan otherwise we die here today" Captain America told everyone, knowing at this rate they'll die fighting a lot of Ultron Sentrie

"Someone asked for help?" Spider-man and Daredevil swung in and kicked a few Ultron Sentrie away "We found your big green friend" Spider-man added

"Hulk Angry!" Hulk said and charged in to knock down all the Ultron Sentrie

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