Chapter 3

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Hot shot was living with heart problems. His parents told him he was born with heart problems. Hot shot loved sports and wanted to do them. But it was hard to do so with heart problems. Hot shot didn't find it fair that he was born with heart problems. It felt totally like he couldn't do anything active even though he wanted too. It made him so angry. "I want run around and play but I can't without running out of breath of getting tired quickly," Hot shot said. "It isn't fair why must I have heart that doesn't work right?" he asked his parents.

"I wish I had answer for you Hot shot but I don't" Quickshadow said. "It is hard to say why some kids have heart defects and other don't," she told him. "But we still love you very much," she told him.

"I know," Hot shot said. "But I still don't think it's fair," he said.

"I know it isn't fair you were born with heart problems," Quickshadow said. "But you can still do many things," she said.

"I know, but I want to do more," Hot shot said.

"I know you do but for now focus on the things you can do," Quickshadow told him.

"Yes mummy," Hot shot said.

Hot shot was still getting used to his heart problems even though he felt like he couldn't do what he wanted do because of it. He was wanting to run jump climb and play. But he couldn't do that with the way his heart was. Hot shot was wondering if everything was going to be alright. He was wondering if he could ever do what he wanted to do.

But soon Hot shot was feeling worse than he had ever felt before. Hot shot went to his parents to tell them he wasn't feeling well at all. He knew if ever he wasn't feeling well to tell his parents so they could get him help. "I feel bad, I feel very weak, tired and my chest hurts," Hot shot said.

His parents made an appointment with his cardiologist. Hot shot was taken to see her right away. Hot shot was wondering what was going to happen this time another open heart surgery. Hot shot and his parents saw Dr. Ansah. She examined Hot shot to see what was wrong and she was very concerned about Hot shot. Then Hot shot got an ECG and ECHO. Once that was done Hot shot also got a catheterization test.

Then Dr. Ansah came back with the results. "Hot shot's in advanced heart failure, his heart just can't take it anymore due to all the surgery and procedures done to it," Dr. Ansah said.

Then they met Dr. Dreyer a transplant cardiologist. "Hello I am Dr. Dreyer, Hot shot is in need of a heart transplant." Dr. Dreyer said. "I am going to see if we can get Hot shot on that list," he said.

Hot shot had the same tests as before and that included chest x-rays and the other tests he had that day. Then Dr. Dreyer sent off the information and the people got back with him. Hot shot was listed as priority 1A and Hot shot was going to have to stay in the hospital.

Hot shot knew most of his care team but now he had Dr. Dreyer and Dr. Adachi on his team. They were going to help. Hot shot was going to need more help until the transplant.

"What is a heart transplant?" Hot shot asked Dr. Dreyer a bit later.

"A heart transplant is when a patients sick or failing heart is removed and replaced with a healthy donor heart from someone who has died," Dr. Dreyer explained. "The donor has to be the same size, and blood type as the recipient and can't be too far." he said. "A lot of factors play into the heart transplant process," he said. "But once you get one you will feel so much better," he said.

"Will I be able to run, jump, climb and play after I get a heart transplant?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes, but you need to be completely healed first," Dr. Dreyer said.

"Can I do sports?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes but you have to be completely healed and cleared first," Dr. Dreyer told him.

"Can I go to school once I start Kindergarten?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes but you need wait three months post transplant before you do," Dr. Dreyer said.

"Can I go out in public and do fun things like the mall and zoo?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes but be sure to wear a mask for the first three months," Dr. Dreyer said.

"Will I have to take medicine?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes and some of the medicine you will take for the rest of your life," Dr. Dreyer told him.

"Is it going to be normal to feel big feelings about this?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes it is and be sure to talk about your feelings too," Dr. Dreyer said.

"Will I be able to find out about who I got the heart from and be in contact with the family?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes many donor family's and organ recipients stay in contact with each other," Dr. Dreyer said.

"Is it okay to feel bad that I get to live when someone else has to die to for me to be healthy?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes but remember their family gave you that heart," Dr. Dreyer said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. "Will I have to stay in the hospital?" he asked.

"Yes, you will need to stay here until you get your transplant like some patients and like all patients stay 2 to 4 weeks after transplant most likely to make sure you are doing okay," Dr. Dreyer said. "So you might need to be here for a while," he said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. "I feel better now that my questions are answered." he said.

"I am glad I could help," Dr. Dreyer said.

Hot shot was admitted to the hospital and moved to a hospital room in Legacy tower. Hot shot was used to staying there. Hot shot saw his friends Hoist, Medix, Whirl and Wedge there too. He found out they needed heart transplants too. They were hoping to get new hearts soon.

Hot shot was going to be brave in waiting for his new heart. 

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