Chapter 9

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Hot shot was doing well with his new heart. Hot shot was soon going to school like other kids after his heart transplant. Hot shot was happy to be in Kindergarten. Hot shot was also happy that his friends Hoist, Medix, Whirl and Wedge were there in his class too. Hot shot was happy to be able to learn new things. Hot shot still had to go to the nurse with his friends to take their medicine. He also had to leave school early a times to get a check up with his cardiologist. The students were wondering why that was happening.

"I got a heart transplant," Hot shot said. "Which means I got a new heart," he said. 

"I don't understand," one of the kids said. 

"The heart is the organ that pumps blood to your body and helps out body get the energy and oxygen it needs and get rid of waste and carbon dioxide we don't need," Hot shot said. "Some kids like me were born with hearts that didn't work right," he said. "Then we have one or more surgeries to correct it. Sometimes a heart transplant is needed to help," he said. "That is when the heart that does work right is taken out and a new heart is put in," he said. "I have to take medicine to keep my body from rejecting the new heart." he said. "I also have to see my cardiologist on a regular basis which is a heart doctor." he said. "But other than that I can do normal things like everybody else," he said.

The kids thought that was kind of interesting to say the least. They found it to be kind of cool. Hot shot want to his cardiologist Dr. Ansah a bit later. Dr. Dreyer was there to help check on things. "You are doing really well Hot shot," Dr. Ansah said.

"Yes and your new heart is doing fine and you are doing great on your medication," Dr. Dreyer said. "You should be proud, and I think if you keep doing well this transplanted heart will keep doing well for a while," he said.

"Oh boy," Hot shot said. Hot shot was happy that his new heart was doing well. Hot shot kept going to school and was doing really well. Hot shot was happy that life was going smoothly. Hot shot was thinking about his wish and wondering if it was going to come true soon. Hot shot was very excited about it and looking forward to it too. 

Then on a nice day about a year later Hot shot was going to get his wish. It was the first anniversary of him getting his new heart. Hot shot saw there were a lot of puppy supplies and then he saw his saw his new puppy. It was a little girl Newfoundland puppy. "I want to name her Roxy," Hot shot said.

"Okay Roxy it is," Heatwave said.

They were all super happy to have her. Hot shot and Roxy had bonded very closely. The two of them were becoming inseparable.  They loved to play together a lot. Hot shot was a lot stronger now and able to run around and have fun. Hot shot even saw Tony's family a few other times. They would even talk on the phone at times. They would even video chat too. His parents and Tony's parents were able to email each other back and forth too.

Hot shot was growing into a very strong and capable child as the years went by. Hot shot decided with all his experience at the heart center to become a pediatric cardiologist. Hot shot began to study very hard. He was doing his best as time went on and was getting high grades. Hot shot even got into college and took all his prerequisites before graduating high school. Hot shot was able to go to a good medical school after high school. 

Hot shot began to study and work hard at it. During his training to be a doctor he went to Texas Children's hospital to be a resident. Hot shot was doing really well during his studies. Hot shot was becoming a very skilled pediatric cardiologist. His parents were proud of him to say the least. They were glad he was helping people who needed help. Hot shot was just glad to be there to help.

Hot shot was able to meet a lot of people. Hot shot even met a lady named Override during his time studying who was a physical therapist in training. They fell in love and got married two years later. They even had a little daughter named Emberlight. They were so happy to have a happy and healthy child. They were so happy together. 

Hot shot was now a skilled pediatric cardiologist. Hot shot was happy he was able to help many kids with their hearts. Hot shot knew he could help them as heart warriors because he was one too. 

Little Firefighter Warrior and BFFs Heart JourneyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ