Chapter 5

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Hot shot was awaiting heart transplant at Texas Children's hospital. Hot shot has been waiting for a few weeks since arriving at the hospital. Hot shot was wondering when that organ was going to come. Hot shot was wondering a lot of things. Hot shot also found himself getting bored at times. But Hot shot was normally good about entertaining himself in the hospital. Today he saw Penny the child life specialist.

"Hot shot you are going to get a wish from make a wish," Penny said.

"We have been thinking about Hot shot getting a wish from make a wish but we didn't know when would be the right time for it," Heatwave admitted.

"Yes we have had other things on our minds than something like that," Quickshadow said. "We know it would give Hot shot a lot of hope to get a wish," she said. "After all he has been through all and is going through a lot right now," she said.

"A wish?" Hot shot asked. He was wondering what they were all talking about. It made Hot shot very curious about it. He was wondering what was going on and what was going to happen. "What kind of wish?" he asked.

"Make a wish grants kids with severe medical issues such as heart conditions and awaiting organ transplants wishes," Penny said. "They do it for many kinds of medical conditions not just heart conditions and organ transplants," she said. "They do it for kids who have neurological disorders, genetic disorders, blood disorders, cancer, lung problems and even kidney problems," she said. 

"They do all that for kids with medical problems?' Hot shot asked.

"Yes they do," Penny said. "They do this for lots of kids," she said. "Many kids like you are facing all kinds of problems with their health," she said.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot was wondering what he could wish for it was kind of nice to think about. 

A few days later Hot shot met with a wish coordinator. "Hello Hot shot how are you? My name is Jenny," Jenny said. "There are five wish categories, I wish to go, I wish to be, I wish to meet, I wish to have, and I wish to give," she said.

"Wow," Hot shot said. "That is a lot to think about," he said. Hot shot thought about the playrooms at the hospital there he was able to feel like a normal kid and not a kid with heart problems. He remember having fun playing mainly one of the very few video games there. He was also thinking about how wonderful it was to play with the therapy dogs. That was a lot of fun too. Hot shot also thought about it would be neat to go somewhere. Hot shot thought about it would be cool to meet somebody. He began to think and think hard. Hot shot was wondering what he could do and have. Hot shot was wondering what it would be like to happy a puppy a lot. Hot shot was wondering if would be possible for him to have a puppy. Hot shot had been wanting a puppy for a long.

"Is a puppy possible?" Hot shot said.

"Yes many kids wish for puppies," Jenny said. "But you doctors must approve of it first," she said.

"I see nothing wrong with it," Dr. Ansah said. 

"Neither do I, but I recommend once Hot shot is stable from a transplant stand point at least three to six months," Dr. McKenzie said. "Animals can be a comfort to children facing medical problems," he said.

"Oh boy my own puppy," Hot shot said. "But what kind of puppy should I wish for?" he asked.

"There are a lot of dog breeds that's for sure," Heatwave said.

"I want a very big dog because I love great big dogs," Hot shot said.

"Well if we get a great big dog I want one that is great with kids and known for being gentle," Quickshadow said.

"There are quite a few of those last I checked," Heatwave said. "We just have to do our research and narrow it down to the best two breeds and then make a pro and con list of both and then chose help Hot shot find one of the two he likes best," he said.

"Sounds like a good idea to me," Quickshadow said. "Doesn't your sister her family have a giant dog breed?" she said. "Maybe they can give tips on how to find a good vet and the right food and help us look at the best ones the are big gentle and good with kids," she said.

"Great idea," Heatwave said. "Maybe they can help us choose the ones to make a list of and then we can then narrow down our search to two different breeds and help Hot shot find which breed he likes the best," he said.

"Sounds like a plan," Quickshadow said.

"I am so excited about it!" Hot shot said. 

"I am glad to hear it, once you make your decision on what breed of puppy you want give me a call and here is my number of my office in Make a wish," Jenny said giving them the number.

"We will thank you so much," Heatwave said.

"No problem," Jenny said.

Hot shot was looking forward to getting his future puppy. Hot shot was going to need a lot of rest and care once he gets his heart transplant. He was just going to have to be patient. But Hot shot was thinking a lot about getting his heart. Hot shot was wondering when it was going to happen. He was wondering if it was normal to feel guilty about getting a chance at life and waiting for someone to die.

Penny was with him today while he was wondering. "Is it normal to feel guilty while needing a new organ from someone who has just died?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes Hot shot it is normal to feel guilty," Penny told him.

"It is?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes it is, many do feel guilty about this, it is a normal feeling to have, just remember the family of that child chose to give their child's organs." Penny said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. "I know and I know they gave it to me but I can't help but feel bad for them, because they are losing someone they love," he said.

"That is a normal and perfectly human thing to feel," Penny said. 

"If I meet the donor family I want to do something for them, is it possible to give them the recording of the heart beating in my chest when I get it?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes it can be recorded at a follow up appointment," Penny said. "You will have to stay closer to the hospital during the first three months after transplant to have weekly check ups from your doctors to make sure it is going alright," she said.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said. "I want to find a way to put in a build a bear because I know there is one in a nearby mall. That way they can squeeze the paw and hear the heart whenever they want," he said.

"That sounds very nice," Penny said. "Many donor families and recipient families meet and can form a relationship and remain in contact with each other and they bond over it," she said.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said.

"It would be nice when the time comes to meet the donor family and thank them when he finally has his new heart," Quickshadow said. 

"Yes it will be great for Hot shot to have a new heart and the wait is a bit nerve wrecking for us, and I know waiting for it is hard on Hot shot too," Heatwave said. 

"This is a hard time for families knowing their child won't live without an organ transplant, and it will be hard for another family to lose their child and chose to give life to another, but remember they did it out of love and to help others. I know you are wondering if this is right decision for Hot shot, but many families know this is the right decision and it will help in the long run and these are normal things to feel," Penny said.

"We understand," Heatwave said and Quickshadow nodded. They were hoping Hot shot was going to get his new heart soon.

Hot shot was also hoping to receive a new heart soon as well. They just had to hope for it. 

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