Chapter 7

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Hot shot was feeling better after having his heart transplant. He was feeling much stronger too. Hot shot was going to be need to be watched during the next couple of weeks at the hospital. They were doing that to make sure he was doing okay. They wanted to make sure he was stable and doing well on his new medicines. Hot shot was making sure to take all of his medicines. Hot shot was doing a good job at it too.

"Hot shot time for your medicine," a nurse named Martha said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot swallowed the medicine to help him prevent rejection of his new heart.

"Good job Hot shot," Martha said. "Remember whenever the medicine you take to prevent rejection needs to be taken on an empty stomach and you can't eat before you take it and you need to wait after you take it for a while to eat," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot also took a few more medicine while there. Hot shot had a lot of them too. It was all to help him. "I am going to have to get used to all this different medicine huh Martha?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes you are going to have to getting used to all of it," Martha said. "As time goes on it will get easier for you," she said.

"I noticed there are hospitals for just adults or just kids who have cancer, or bone problems, there are hospital that have cardiology with other specialties and only one for adults only with heart problems, but no hospital solely dedicated to pediatric heart patients," Hot shot said. "My parents told me that many kinds of heart disease including CHD is one of the most expensive conditions to pay for because it can be a life route of care, hospital visits, ER visits, surgeries, tests, doctor check ups, medications and interventions," he said. 

"Yes I know that too, and that caring for a child with heart disease can be very pricey," Martha said.

"I hope some day there will be a hospital only for kids with heart problems, and help families around the world regardless of ability to pay for the treatment the child needs," Hot shot said.

"That is very nice Hot shot," Martha said.

"Thanks," Hot shot said.

Hot shot and his parents were looking at lot of different giant dog breeds for Hot shot to choose from once he was ready to get his wish. They narrowed it down to two choices a Newfoundland dog and Great Dane both known for being gentle and great with kids. They all looked at the pros and cons of both dogs. Both dogs had great personalities and great things about them. Both had a lot of health problems like a lot of breeds normally did. Hot shot was thinking about the Newfoundland and how it loved to swim. Hot shot loved to swim too, there was pool at the house. It was where Hot shot learned to swim. Hot shot loved it a lot. He was told he could swim after his heart transplant but they had to make sure the pool had the right amount of chlorine to keep out germs to keep Hot shot safe. Another place where Hot shot could swim was at the ocean because germs don't like salt. But he was going to have to wait a year before going to a public pool. 

Hot shot pointed at the newfoundland. "I want that dog," Hot shot said. "it loves to swim like me," he said. "it is cute and fluffy and cuddly looking," he said.

"I like that one too," Heatwave said.

"I think that is a fine choice," Quickshadow said.

Then they called Jenny the wish coordinator. They were telling her that Hot shot decided on a Newfoundland puppy to have. Jenny said they would start planning right away as Hot shot is recovering and getting strong again. Hot shot was going to have to wait several months for this wish to come true.

Hot shot now in the regular cardiology unit was doing other things besides see his cardiology team. Hot shot was also getting ECGs, ECHO, catheterization biopsies, blood tests, seeing a dietitian and going to physical therapy to build up strength again. 

Hot shot was amazed by how much energy he had now. "This is the first time I gone up stairs without panting hard," Hot shot said climbing up and down the stairs in the therapy room. "I can climb up and down a lot for a while without getting so tired," he said. 

"You are doing well at it too, much better indeed," His therapist Markus said. "You should be proud," he said.

"Thanks," Hot shot said.

Hot shot was used to the other tests and getting therapy. Because he had it long before his transplant. Hot shot was glad he had such a good group to help him. Now they were helping him with this next part after transplant. 

Hot shot and his family were going to have to stay closer to the hospital during the first three months out of the hospital. Because it was to keep a very close eye on Hot shot. Hot shot knew it was going to be sometime before he could home. But Hot shot was happy to have his new heart and was getting used to it.

Hot shot learned about Tony and what had happened to him. It was kind of sad, but he was glad he got a new heart and hoped to do something nice for Tony's family. 

Hot shot was getting stronger and better as the days went by. Then about three weeks after his transplant Hot shot was able to leave the hospital and go to a hotel. Hot shot was looking forward to having some seafood at one of his favorite restaurants. Hot shot loved grilled, steamed fish, shellfish and vegetables. It was full of things that were good for his heart. Hot shot was looking forward to it.

Hot shot had to wear a mask to the restaurant. Hot shot saw the wait staff there. "Hot shot is happy to be out the hospital he is finally our after getting a heart transplant," Heatwave said.

"That is great to hear," the waitress who was tending to them said. "Would he like a dessert after dinner to celebrate?" she asked.

"That would be nice," Heatwave said.

"Sounds good," Quickshadow said.

"Oh boy," Hot shot said. "I want water to drink I have to take care of my new heart," he said.

"Of course little fella," the waitress said. 

Hot shot ate the fish up with fresh steamed veggies and he got a bowl of ice cream with whipped cream and strawberries on it. Hot shot was very happy to have it. 

Once that was done they headed to the hotel where they were staying. They were glad to be there. It was still a journey a head of Hot shot and it was nothing he couldn't handle. 

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