Chapter 8

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Hot shot was heading in for a check with his cardiologist at the heart center. He had a heart transplant a few weeks ago. Hot shot was heading back there make sure everything was going alright. Hot shot had to make sure it had been a while since his last dose of medicine so the readings could be more accurate for the tests. Hot shot was kind of nervous about it but he was ready to brave too. Hot shot saw Dr. Ansah for his tests along with Dr. Dreyer. They did many kinds of tests on Hot shot to check on his new heart which he got a few weeks ago.

"Hot shot how are you feeling today?" Dr. Dreyer asked.

"I feel pretty good," Hot shot said. "I have a lot more energy," he said.

"That is good to hear," Dr. Dreyer said. "Has Hot shot had any nausea? Or vomiting? Or any cold or flu like symptoms? Or swelling? or fatigue? Or sudden weight gain?" he asked.

"No he seems to be doing pretty well which we are thankful for," Heatwave said.

"Yes he is doing great," Quickshadow said.

Then Hot shot got an electrocardiogram, an echocardiogram and a cardiac catheterization biopsy to check for problems with the donated tissue since transplant. Hot shot was very brave through it all. Then Dr. Ansah and Dr. Dreyer came in with the results. "Hot shot is doing well and his new heart is looking so far so good," Dr. Dreyer said. "Hot shot will still need to come in a on a weekly basis to check on his heart to make sure it is still doing well." he said.

"We understand, just keep doing what you can for his heart," Heatwave said.

"Yes and we are grateful for all that you have done for Hot shot," Quickshadow said. "We are so glad that Hot shot is doing much better now," she said. "I am grateful to the family who gave their son's heart too Hot shot," she said. "I am hoping the four other lives he saved are doing well," she said.

"They are from I heard, the lung transplant team transplanted the little boy's lungs into another little boy. His kidneys went to a little boy and little girl, and his liver went to a little girl," Dr. Dreyer said. "Most of the transplant teams need to stay in touch because we are all part of the solid organ transplant program," he said. 

"I know," Quickshadow said.

"This year alone we have done five lung transplants, 10 liver transplants, 24 kidney transplants, and 22 heart transplants so far, doing a little over 22 nearly 6 and half months into a year is impressive for a children's heart center," Dr. Dreyer said. "Last month was did 12 of those heart transplants, we have a very busy heart center here," he said.

"Wow," Hot shot said.

"Hot shot keep taking care of your new heart and we will see you later in the week and many more times in the following weeks for the next three months," Dr. Dreyer said.

"Then I can leave the hotel and go home?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes," Dr. Dreyer said. 

Hot shot was looking forward to that. Hot shot had to go to therapy as well in order to keep getting stronger after his heart transplant. Hot shot was doing well according to his physical therapist. Hot shot was looking forward to going to school when he was ready. Hot shot saw his friends Hoist, Medix, Whirl and Wedge there too. They had received their heart transplants only a few days after Hot shot. They were all working at getting stronger together.

Hot shot was grateful that he learned about Tony the boy who gave him his heart. Hot shot still could help but feel bad about the family who lost their child. They were going to meet Tony's family in at the fourth month period.

During an another appoint several weeks later. Hot shot saw the tech at the echocardiogram. "Can you record the heart beating?" Hot shot asked. "I want to use the recording in a few build a bears to give the family," he said. Hot shot knew that Tony had three year old sister and a 8 year old brother and his parents. He wanted each one to have recording of Tony's heart beat. 

"I sure can do that easy as pie," the tech said.

"That would be very helpful," Heatwave said.

Then after the appointment they went to the mall. They headed to the build a bear there and grabbed four Pikachu. Hot shot chose a dress for one, a Texas Ranger shirt for one, one for best dad ever, and one that says greatest mom. They were stuffed and had the heart beat recording of Tony's heart beating inside Hot shot's chest. 

Hot shot's family paid for the bears and were soon ready to go. They even had lunch while they were there and did other things too. Hot shot still had to wear mask because the three month period wasn't up and he had to be protected from germs. 

One boy pointed at Hot shot's mask and said covid was over. "Our son just got a heart transplant about three months ago and the mask is protecting him from germs. Because his immune system still needs time to even out with the medicine he is taking after his transplant or he could get very sick," Heatwave said.

"Wow I didn't know," the boy's father said. "Son covid may not be such a big problem anymore but some people have medical conditions where they need to wear a mask at time in public to keep from getting any kind of sickness because any sickness can be bad for them," he said.

"Oh okay," the boy said.

Hot shot was doing well at each appointment and he was very happy about it. Then at the fourth month mark Hot shot and his parents had the presents from Hot shot to the family. Then the family came into the room. "Hello I am Fred I am Tony's father," Fred said.

"I am Lisa Tony's mother," Lisa said. "This is our older son Ricky and our young daughter Josie," she said.

"Hi I am Heatwave, I am Hot shot's father," Heatwave said.

"I am Quickshadow I am Hot shot's mother," Quickshadow said.

"I am Hot shot," Hot shot said. 

"Nice to meet you Hot shot," Fred said.

"I got all of you presents," Hot shot said.

"We got you presents," Lisa said.

Hot shot came up with the build a bears. They were all Pikachu. "Squeeze the paws," Hot shot said.

The family all squeezed the paws and there was a beating sound. "That is Tony's heart beat," Quickshadow said.

Lisa was in tears and even Fred was crying. Ricky gave his Pikachu a big hug. Josie hugged and said: "Tony," 

Then they all listened to Hot shot's chest with a stethoscope. They were all taking turns listening to the heart in Hot shot's chest that belonged to Tony. "It's so strong," Lisa said.

"That's my boy keeping this child alive," Fred said.

"Cool that is Tony's heart," Ricky said.

"That's Tony," Josie said listening.

Hot shot was given a gift of a build a bear that was golden retriever the said heart strong on a shirt. "I love it," Hot shot said. It was nice and soft too. Hot shot was so happy to have met the family who gave him a heart. 

"I am so grateful that you chose to do that," Quickshadow said. "I can't imagine what you are going through, but I am glad you were able to think of others," she said.

"It is what Tony would've wanted he wanted to be surgeon and save lives when he grew up, now he saved lives," Lisa said.

The two families promised to stay in touch. Then a few weeks later Hot shot got his first letter. The letter explained the family loved their Pikachu build a bears. Lisa said that their three year old daughter Josie sleeps with hers every night. She said it was the first time Josie could sleep peacefully since Tony's death. 

Hot shot was happy that his gift was helping the family heal. Hot shot knew he was still going to have long road a head. But Hot shot was happy to be back in his own room and doing well so far. Hot shot still had to see his cardiologist Dr. Ansah and Dr. Dreyer. But it was nothing he couldn't handle.

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