Chapter Twelve

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Two days later  Priest  Geto managed to keep you calm, he watched as you took some walks around the shrine. At first, you were hesitant but he reassured you once more that you wouldn't see curses again. If you did, he would be there with you. As for the curse matter, you refused to know about them. You've said you don't need to know, you wanted your medications and that was all.

And now here you were, standing in front of him with your outstretched hand. "My parents are worried, I haven't called them. I need my phone."

How he wanted to destroy said device, not because he hated technology. No, because he didn't want you to reach out to those monkeys. Mindless fools who knew nothing about the power you had. About who you were, and they denied you your true identity with those medications. "I don't have it with me, but come and I'll give it to you."

The two of you made your way back and a side of him was satisfied you were back to normal. "Has Minami visited? She said that she would get in touch with the embassy and get it all sorted out. I should be going back home in a couple of days."

This is where Priest  Geto stopped walking. "She did, however getting back your passport or permit takes a little bit. Have you thought of staying longer? Perhaps even transfer to a nearby college. Minami has commented on the great opportunity you would have here. Doing this would be easier, and it should be an option."

Would it take too long to get a passport? You've relied so much on Minami, should try and look it up. See what you need and if it takes this long... "I have to go back home. I've already been accepted to [favored university] and I already have a scholarship. "

If there was a tiny smile on Priest Geto. "[Name], you are too young. You've been under medication since you were a child. You'll have to understand that when you get older, that might have severe consequences. I'm offering myself t-"

But you were already walking, and he had to jog to catch up. When he did, he had to grasp your wrist to stop you. Something, something in your gaze told him you were hiding something. If you weren't afraid of curses then why were so insistent on taking your medication? "As much as you want to deny it, curses are real and you're one of the few that can see them. Don't allow your parents to interfere with being yourself.  "

Oh, there it was. A saddened look. "My parents have always wanted what is the best for me. And they still do." Slowly a genuine smile reached your lips, and you then removed his hand from your wrist. But only to hold it with your two hands. "Priest Geto, I understand and I thank you for trying to explain...Everything. I do," Again there was that hesitation. "I take my meds because I want to. And even now, when you're telling me I'm a sorcerer...I just want to go back to the life I'm used to living."

Your parents were the problem. He wasn't surprised, as monkeys they're not very smart. They like to put a band-aid on things and hope that is enough to fix the issue. But it isn't. He could taste sourness in his mouth. His parents were the same, they never believed him... " But do you believe they exist? Do you believe me?"

"Pri-" But he interrupted you. "Call me Geto."

In response, you squished his hand, " I do believe you. I've known they were real, I just forced myself to believe they weren't." And I intend to keep doing it. For your sake. "I'd like to call my parents please."

Manipulation was one of the greatest things to change someone's mind. He has tried to do it subtly.  He wanted to do it when you were vulnerable, but you weren't a monkey. You were smart, and when you regained some clarity, you'd question some things and you'd want to leave. As much as he wanted to lock you inside the Shrine, he wanted you to stay willingly. He needed it that way. "Of course, some on."

You were dropping his hands when he grasped yours and tugged you gently holding it. At first, he noticed you glancing at it, but you did not say anything about it. Maybe you were getting used to it, this was how he first accompanied you to take a walk when you wanted to stay in the room instead.

Your phone was in his room, so you told him you'd wait outside. It didn't take him long to get it for you, and he didn't even hesitate to give it to you. When you get it, your smile widens. It was a pity you hadn't smiled like that here and it was more of a pity that those monkeys were the cause of it. "Thank you, Geto. I'll give my parents a call," you turned the screen on and you shocked it to him. "See, they were worried."

Over 100 calls and he wasn't kidding.   He watched you go to have some privacy. But he did not go, he was going to wait for you.

As for you, you dialed your mom's phone and it rang once and that was enough for her to answer. The woman didn't start talking and she was already crying. You heard some chattering, she was at work and she didn't even care. She took your call. That made your heart twist. "I'm sorry Mom, I-"

She took a second to calm down. "Do you know how worried we were? We even planned on going there and finding you."

It wouldn't surprise you. "I'm sorry. Someone entered the apartment and they stole my medication and my passport. I was just so busy trying to get a doctor's appointment to get a prescription and also visiting the embassy.  But I should have called, I'm sorry."

Your mom let out a long sigh of relief. "Maybe we're overreacting. It's just...It's hard to accept you're not a child anymore."

"Even so, I'm on a trip and we'll, we're not used to staying out of touch for that long. I should have called. But I'm fine and I should be home in a few days."

"Okay, honey. I'm glad you're okay. But if you have any issues, let us know. I don't know but, one of us can fly to Japan if you can't get your passport soon." They couldn't afford to.

"It's okay. Like I said, I should be home in a couple of days. But I'll keep in touch with you alright? Tell Dad I'm sorry and I love you guys." After a few more loves you, you both hung up. She was in the middle of a class and she couldn't stand there talking.

Then there it was, Junpei's calls. He had been calling as well, and just like your parents he had called this morning too in hopes that you would answer. It made you reconsider,  it did. It pained you greatly having to leave him behind. "Thank God you answered. I was so worried."

How you wanted to reach out and hug him. He was so sweet. "I'm sorry Junpei, I wasn't okay without my meds. I just called my parents minutes ago."

"Where are you? When they took you they told me they would call me but they didn't. And I also called but they never answered my calls. " At this, you frowned. " Sorry. They didn't even call my parents and they're on the emergency contact. Though on that part, I'm glad they didn't. Otherwise, they both would have booked a flight. I don't want to make them more worried than they need to."

"[Name], there are some people who wanted to see you. It's from a uh, a college. They train sorcerers, and we'll they suspect you're one. I'm one as well, and...I might, I might transfer to it instead."

"I'm happy for you Junpei. I...I wish I could be here longer and see you there. But I have to return. " He wasn't even here and you could almost see the disappointment on his face.

"So...You're not going to consider...Will I get to see you before you leave?" This was harder than you anticipated and it wasn't time to leave yet.

"I have my whole life back home, my parents. But I am going to see you before I leave. I'm actually at the Shrine I visited, remember?" And he hummed in response. "If you have time to visit, I'll be very happy to see you. Though I home I'm able to visit you tomorrow.  I'll call you if I can, just to make sure you're available. "

"For you I'm available whenever.  Just let me know and I'll meet you right now if you want to."

"Junpei, I wish I could take you home with me. You're so precious. But it's late, and you're probably at school. I'll give you a call later and see if we can .let up tomorrow when you're available.  Okay?"

The rqo of you dint want ro hang up, but you had to. When you ended the call, Geto decided to approach. "Come on, lunch is ready."

You placed yournphone in your pocket and grabbed Geto's offered hand. After lunch, you were going to call Minami and see how things were going. If she wasn't doing, you'll ask for Junpei's help if you had to, but you would somehow schedule a doctor's appointment and get yourself on track.

One Hell of a Trip(Jujutsu Kaisen reader insert).Where stories live. Discover now