Chapter Twenty Eight

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Toji Fushiguro, the man is standing right behind you. Leaning towards you, and his lips next to your ear. "If you want to stay alive, I wouldn't get on that plane." He repeats, almost in a whisper.

You narrow your eyes, taking a step forward when the line moves. "And why should I believe you?" You let out a long sigh, "if they wanted me to stay and sent you to convince me. Then I'm sorry you had to come all the way here but I'm going home."

Toji grabbed you by the arm, but despite wanting to pull away you didn't. What if you made a spectacle, security came, and then you were kicked out? He didn't pull you that far, just far enough to not be heard by other people.  "I lied, " he declared with a serious look on his face. "The reason I met you that day at the Park, it wasn't a coincidence.  I was there because I was hired to kill you."

Run. Your mind screamed at you. Looking back at the line you thought of returning to the line. You wanted to return to the line, pretend Toji wasn't even there. But he was, and he was telling you'll be killed if you got on that plane. "If you don't believe me then, go right ahead. But just know they'll make it look like an accident and your parents will be devastated."

Thinking, contemplating what was the best course of action. You were just a few steps away from getting on that plane. But if he was right, you couldn't imagine the pain your parents would feel. And not now, that would kill your dad. "Okay, " you began, "but what if you're lying? If you are..."

"I wouldn't have a reason to tell you I am an assassin,  that alone should be scary. But I am telling you the truth. If you find out I am lying and I was sent here to stop you from leaving, I'll pay for your flight. They can't make you stay if you don't want to. You have nothing to lose." Few people were left to board the plane, and this was your last chance.

"I want a good explanation, and evidence of what you say is true." And you allowed Toji to lead you out of the airport. Once outside, and once out of the public's eye, he decided it was time for an explanation.

His eyes look everywhere, "Not here. They have people everywhere, especially since they planned to kill you." Those eyes of his turn to you, "You can either come with me or go back, I'll give you cash so you can schedule another flight. But believe me, I've been on this kind of...Line of work for years. You might be able to catch your flight, but you're not going to arrive home alive."

As if to convey his words, he begins to move towards the parking lot. He's getting ahead, and you need to decide.  After seconds of contemplating, you run to catch up. The trip to the parking lot and then to the car is silent. He takes the driver's seat, and having no option, you are about to take the front passenger seat. He shakes his head, "the back seat, it'll be harder for them to see you."

And you do so, you take the back seat and wait for him to start driving. Your heart is pounding, hoping you don't make a mistake. "I know you're afraid," you heard him speak, and the tone of his voice was softer. Perhaps trying to calm you down. "But what I told you is true, the higher-ups of the Jujutsu society want you dead. Like I said, that day,l when we met at the Park, I had been paid to kill you."

Saying that didn't make you any better, you were in a car with an assassin. "Then why didn't you?"

Toji sighed as he continued to drive. "The information they provided to me was limited. There was no context, no reason, just a name and a picture.  That's not how I operate. That's why I approached you at the Park, to find information as to why they wanted you out. Then after I learned you were indeed Megumi's friend, I couldn't go through it." You couldn't see his expression, but it felt like he was telling the truth. What I said is true, the relationship Megumi and I have a complicated relationship. That doesn't mean I don't care for the kid. He's my blood, and I didn't want him to lose someone else."

Questions, you had plenty of questions but right now your mind was filled with thoughts. As to why, if what Toji said was true, why would they want you dead? In no time you pull towards a motel, the look of it should alarm you. But you don't day anything as Toji parked the car, tells you to wait, and then returns.

He started to lead the way to a room, you have no other option but to enter it. The room itself made you frown, it was a little dirty. Some things look like they don't work. The bed looked clean, but...You were sure it was. There was a funky smell in the room. "I know you might not be used to places like these, but we won't stay here for long. Go on take a seat."

He grabbed a chair dragged it to face the bed, and waited for you to take a seat on the bed. When you do, he stared expecting you to fire at him all your questions. You swallowed and took a seat,  and while you did, Toji offered a smile. "You're rather calm about this whole situation. "

"I'm tired," you confessed, " and as I told you, I had been training to keep my emotions under check." Rubbing your gave, you pull your things on the bed. " I don't understand, why...Why would they want me dead? I didn't do anything to them? I'm not even that strong I-" The longer you spoke, the more things you came up with to prove you weren't worth their attention.

Toji crossed his arms across his chest and leaned back on the chair. " If you weren't worth their attention, you wouldn't be in this situation. I don't know much about you, other than what you've told me. So all I can say is if you have a unique cursed technique. I suppose your technique of creating curses could be the reason for that. It's a dangerous skill, they would kill to control or to kill silence. But there could be other factors, but I don't know all the details."

How angry were you? You were fighting to stay in control, but he could see the frown on your face. Then it changed from confusion to betrayal. "When I enrolled in the school, I made it clear I was going to go back home. They didn't have much of a problem." With shoulders sagged, you raised your head. "Until they found out Kenjaku was involved with my arrival to Japan."

Toji turned serious as the name sliced through the air like a blade. "
The name itself is enough to put everyone on high alert. Maybe they would have tolerated you going back, but once they found a link to him, even if you're just passing by his shadow. Thar alone is enough to make you a target. They can't tolerate having him an edge with someone who can create curses."

"No." And you were shaking your head furiously. "That's the thing. " And he can start to hear the despair in your voice. "Kenjaku is the reason why I'm here. The reason why I stayed here. When I was young I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia, and o was given pills. When I got here, it turned out those pills were not for Schizophrenia but acted as a suppressant. Principal Yaga took those pills and studied them, and it turns out Kenjaku was the creator of those pills."

Toji rubbed his chin thoughtfully, but then his expression hardened. "Then that means Kenjaku had been manipulating you without your knowing. And if Yaga took your pills to study then, he must have alerted the higher-ups. This is bigger than you and me. Kenjaku has been manipulating events and you, for an unknown goal. We need to be careful,  we both are in extreme danger."

"I don't..." You're desperate, he can tell. "I want to go home. I never intended to be a sorcerer, I just wanted a normal life." By now you're just talking to yourself, realizing even more about the direction situation you're in.

"They're not ones to listen, especially since this is their second attempt. But if you want to schedule a meeting,  we can do that. But we'll have to have one he'll of a plan. And we'll even need to have other people for protection in case they have any other ideas. " He's looking for ways, trying to find ways for you to go back to your home.

"Which means, they'll want something in exchange. Isn't it?" It seemed you were already catching up as to how ruthless those bastards are.

As much as Toji wants to soften the blow, he can't. Because honestly, you were pretty much screwed. "They'll want something in exchange alright. Ask for information about Kenjaku, but from what you've told me, you have no information to offer. This means they'll probably ask for your autonomy, they would essentially have control over you. They are probably going to form a binding vow or a contract.  Either way, if you speak with them, that's one of the many things they'll ask in exchange. If you accept and they do as well, they're going to milk as much from you as they can."

"And if I don't, they're going to kill me. I..." You raised your gaze, "If I do what they want, will they let me see my parents?" Now you had convinced yourself that you were screwed. Nothing would get you out of this. Other than giving your freedom in exchange of course. 

Toji furrowed his eyebrows, aware of the harsh reality of the situation.  "If you don't you're pretty much signing your dead warrant. If you agree to their terms, they'll probably allow you to see your parents. They'll control all aspects of those visits but at least you'll be able to see them. However, be aware that if you ever step out of like they're going to use your parents as leverage. It's a tight spot, but agreement is your best shot. But we can aim to get you the best deal, to give you some semblance of life. "

  "Why do this for me, you get nothing in exchange only more trouble. And, what's going to happen to you since you messed up their plans?" 

"Got my score I had to settle with them. And also for Megumi, he doesn't need more darkness in his life. And don't worry about me. I've been their thorn more than I can count, if I disappear I'm fine with that. Toji isn't looking at you as he gives his explanation.

Despite his stoic expression, there's a warmth to him when it comes to Megumi. Even if he helped you for whatever reason, he still risked his own life. You can't help but look at him with warmth and concern. When you start to speak, he offers his attention.  "I don't want you to disappear. I want your safety as a part of the agreement. "

He is taken aback by the concern, unaccustomed to it. "Alright, we can make it part of the deal." His gaze gave you a look of respect for your resilience and loyalty. "They won't give in easily but if they want what you've got, they'll take the deal. We have to make sure a solid plan and be ready for the negotiation. As for your parents, I know you're worried but we need to make sure you're secure. Or else, they'll be put at risk as well. For now, take some shut-eye, I'll take the first watch and we'll switch later, we need all the rest we can get before shipping hits the storm."

Toji stood up and headed to the closed window. Trying to secure the location, and he is definitely on high alert. Despite the situation, you feel exhausted. It must be the change of adrenaline changing throughout the day. You don't even care now if the bed is clean or not, you get into a comfortable position and you fall asleep quickly.

A plan has been settled, even if today is the last day you'll be a free person. It is your only resort...
If only all plans went accordingly.

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