Chapter Thirty Six

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Death. That's what the higher-ups wanted and they weren't going to stop. Actually, you weren't going to stop until they were dead, or until you died. There was no in-between. 
    But that anger, that rage was reserved for the higher-ups,  these two hunters were just some puppets. "You're standing on our path," before anyone could say anything, your calm voice cut through the silence, the tension like a knife. "I suggest you move." Your voice was calm, too calm for the situation present. And it was unnerving, you and the others could tell as the hunters' gaze shifted to one another. 
    However, none of them move and you take a step back. It isn't a retreat, it's a strategic approach that signals your command of the situation. Your concerns aren't the capability of Geto, Toji, and Junpei. It's the scarcity of time you're worried about. 
    You channel your cursed energy and it pulses like a wave. Cursed energy lingers in the air, the air thickens as curses begin to take form. The field is set for battle, filled with curses who are still ready for your command. 
    There's hesitation on your part, but not out of fear but rather a message.  For them to reconsider, step aside and let you move. They're aware of the situation they're in, and you're giving them time to save themselves.  You're giving them another opportunity to survive, it's up to them whether they want to take it or not. 
They swallow their fear, their gazes moving from curses to your companions. Their jaws are set, they know they're no match for all of you but the bounty must be too great for them not to even try. And so they attack, or at least try. The first sudden movement and the curses surge forward, like a wave. Swarming them, submerged in the sheer number and ferocity of curses that respond to your silent directive. 
    The hunters fight back, but there are too many curses. Initially, you wanted to intimidate them and show them that they were outnumbered and outclassed as well. Let them go perhaps, it would serve as a message to any other hunter who wishes to obstruct your path to revenge. 
    And they do, soon they grow tired, they scream, they try to flee. When they're defeated, bleeding on the ground you give a silent order and the curses move. They're defeated, they're alive. Alive and for you to decide their fates. But, Toji steps forward, "They know our location, I'll make it quick." 
    Geto and Junpei are watching silently. But knowing Geto's plans, you share a look with him, silently requesting his input. But there is a nod of approval and that is enough. One of the sorcerers is then dragged by a curse, the man is begging for his life but the curse doesn't listen. No, it obeys and throws him at your feet. "Hey-" Toji begins, clearly understanding that you'll be staining your hands with blood. A sliver of concern crosses his face for the burden you're about to shoulder. The burden of taking a life. 
    "This won't take long, " you utter. Your stance is poised the result of years of discipline. And the essence of your cursed energy surrounds your fist, and you prepare yourself. The sorcerer pleads for his life, but his voice dies down as your punch strikes true and deep into his heart. The sorcerer remains still and collapses to the ground, devoid of life.
The other sorcerer is left, and yet you straighten your back, your steps slow but well-calculated. He begins to weep, he is next and all the mercy you have offered has now expired. You stand tall, threatening, looming over his form and then you speak. "You're our message, our warning to those who wish to stand in our way. Next time we won't be so merciful, and if I were you, I'd forget this location existed ." Then you continue walking forward, just like you initially had planned. Toji, Geto, and Junpei follow. 
The next location is just another place, a place to stay, a place to train. Nothing more. Your arrival is quick, and you're just as quick to find a place where you can stay alone, a place where you can be undisturbed.  Said place isn't as secret as you thought it would be, since Toji managed to find it. 
    The man takes a seat at your side and looks at the emptiness of the room before they settle on you. "Taking a life isn't for everybody, especially for someone like you." 
    "Someone like me?" There's curiosity in your question, yet there's a sliver of an edge too. 
    "You're..." Toji starts, trying to find the correct words. To find the description of your persona. Surprisingly enough there's a warmth in his voice against the usual roughness. "You're different, the Jujutsu world is a place of shadows, death, deceit, and thirst for power. It swallowed you whole.  But you..." He glances at you with a softening of his gaze. "You're too kind, too bright."
"This wasn't a choice Toji," you were pushed on this road. Gentle shoving into this world, and then you were shoved aggressively into the arms or revenge. 
    "I know. This world doesn't give a shit about choices." Toji agrees and he gives you a quick look of sympathy.  
"It has been a while since we have shared this road, and it's fine if you don't want to answer. But, how did you become an assassin?" It has been time, time that Geto, Junpei, and Toji decided to help you. You know about Junpei, but you haven't asked about their past because you've been drowning in your despair. 
His gaze drifts off, recalling a past that he rarely visits. "I wasn't cut for the Jujutsu world. Becoming an assassin wasn't a choice, it was something I had to deal with to survive. In this world, you have to find what you're good at, and I was good at ending lives."
    A laugh, but it was a laugh devoid of life that left your lips and slowly you leaned to the side. Resting your head just at the edge of his shoulder. "I guess we're not that different." 
    "I guess not." It was followed by silence and a tiny moment of his body. So small but noticeable, and you took it as an invitation and rested more on his shoulder.
Then there's nothing but understanding and a pleasant silence between the two of you for a few moments until you decide to leave. Toji watches you go, and he can't help but miss the warmth you've provided. 

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