Chapter Twenty Three

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A meeting, it has been months since you joined this school. Since then you hadn't had a meeting with anyone, let alone the principal. Principal Yaga waited for you, and as soon as you entered,  his frown deepened more if possible.

The man noticed cruises, and flinching as you walked, he wasn't surprised. You've been sparring for weeks now and although he heard you handled yourself better than Nanami and even Gojo expected, you still had a long road to go before you were fully able to have full control of your cursed energy.

You bowed before you entered and even offered a smile, but flinched. There was a gash on your lower lip. "Please take a seat," he instructed you and you did as told. Once you sat down, he took a deep breath. "I hear your progress is quite impressive." But this wasn't why you were here, you knew.

Still, you decided to respond by offering a tiny smile to not hurt your lip. "I'm trying my best and it's all due to the amazing teachers I have been assigned. "

"Miss [Last Name], I would prefer to bring other good news. However,  I'm afraid that isn't the case." He explained and stopped to find the correct way to break them down for you nicely.  " I'm sure that by now you might have some questions."

Slowly you nodded, though it seemed you already knew what he was going to disclose. "A few."

"When we received you here, we anticipated that you were indeed a sorcerer. You possess an affinity for cursed energy which could be mistaken for that of a sorcerer.  However, the connection you have with cursed energy, and since a child, seems instinctual. Again, we can say you are a soccer. But," there was a pause, "it is the ability to create curses, especially during a time of turmoil indicates there's a symbiotic link between your emotional state and your cursed energy. Which is uncommon in sorcerers, which would then indicate you are not a sorcerer. We never expected to come to find someone like yourself.  And even then, we would and we still are offering to aid you in your education." Despite the sunglasses and the way his jaw tightened, that wasn't the problem.

It wasn't a surprise, you had been told this might be the case. "Then, what is it? What is the bad news then?" The longer time stretched, the more curious and anxious you grew. But you leaned back, relaxed your shoulders, and took some deep breaths to calm down.

Under other circumstances, he would offer a smile, in acknowledgment of your progress but this wasn't the time. " We've studied the pills you have been taking. And we've found within these pills a reflection of Kenjaku's devious expertise. The pills contain various components but there is a blend of refined cursed energy to negate your own, which was designed specifically for you. Which would explain why no one had found you before. The rest of the ingredients and hidden components can only belong to someone like him."

"Kenjaku?" Confusion, you had no idea who he was and why he would create it specifically for you.

"Kenjaku is an ancient sorcerer with a dark agenda. He manipulates people and events to accomplish his goals. And since he is responsible, we believe he already has his agenda and you're going to take part in it." He explained but there's an undertone of concern.

No matter how you thought, how much you tried to remember of e anyone who might look the part of Kenjaku. But you've had  several different doctors before. ."Kenjaku? I've never met him." Still, you seemed confused.

"He changes bodies and names, it wouldn't surprise me if you've never heard his real name from him. He might have posed as a doctor, which would explain how he was able to prescribe these pills. What I don't understand is, why give them to you? Why would he want to suppress your cursed energy? And why not take you when you were a child?"

There was a struggle, he could see the turmoil on your face. And not only that, he could see the spikes in your cursed energy.  Again to snap out of it,  you took deep breaths and calmed down. That was the reason why you meditated for hours, days, and months. To obtain bad news and be able to stay calm. This wasn't easy, even he knew that. "Do you think he was also responsible as to why I'm even here? This trip?..."

They hadn't thought about that, which would make things worse. If Kenjaku was indeed responsible for your arrival to Japan, and even the school then this was a lot worse than he expected. " What makes you believe that?"

"My parents were the ones who enrolled me in that competition.  That alone shouldn't have been valid, or allowed. When I arrived here, my passport and my medications were stolen, just when I was about to go home. My passport shouldn't have taken long to be given by the embassy, and yet they took so long to do so." You explained and by now you were struggling to remain calm, and he was surprised that despite the internal battle the cursed energy that was leaking was just small. Not large enough to create any curse.

"Almost as if they wanted you to stay." Honestly, he couldn't remain calm either. In fact, he had a feeling that you being part of the school was planned as well. Kenjaku expected them to train you, train you so that he could reap those benefits once he intended to use you. "I think we've talked enough. Talking more about the topic isn't going to help. However, I know you usually join the other students and go out. I advise that you remain in school and try to calm down. Worrying won't do anything it would only create an unwanted curse. Let us deal with this.  Go."

When you leave the office you don't even know where to go. But you're growing worried, you know. And going to your dorm wouldn't be the smartest thing. And going to your friends wouldn't either. So, you go to a quiet place, where you know you won't be disturbed.

After calming down, which takes longer than you wanted, you grab your phone and stare at it. Taking a long breath, you search for a certain phone number. You would have preferred to go there personally but you won't be allowed to. And if you requested to go, someone would go with you. You weren't sure, so if you go and start pointing fingers and he isn't part of it either, you'll complicate his life. So you dial his phone number and it rings once and he quickly picks up. "[Name], it's so good to hear from you. How are you? "

You didn't respond right away, but despite that, he waited.  "Are you involved with Kenjaku? You insisted that I should stay, you...That shrine was the first place I visited when I arrived. And not to mention, you and Minami dragged the process of my passport and my pills. Not to mention that Minami works for the company that sponsored my trip."

There was a certain edge to your voice, but he heard you take deep breaths. Now it was time for Geto to frown and then he almost growled when he responded. "[Name], it's natural to have questions but I assure you, I stand with you. Kenjaku is nothing but an evil man who wishes nothing but to see chaos. My actions towards you were merely to protect you and provide some guidance. Believe me when I say that your well-being remains my priority."

"But, the pills were designed by Kenjaku. Not any doctor would have access to them, so how did you get them to me? And how can you explain the involvement of Minami with that company that might be involved with Kenjaku?' Although you sounded more calm, there was mistrust in your questions.

"Believe me, the pills I offered to you were indeed provided to me by a trusted doctor. If what you say is true, then perhaps Kenjaku had something to do with it. You were in need of them and he planned it so that you could get them.  As for Minami, I've known her and that company does exist. She has worked for that company for months now, and believe me if she had known Kenjaku was behind any of this, she wouldn't have worked for him or that company." He explained with a measuring voice.

When you didn't speak, he didn't push it. He allowed you to think it through and reply when you were ready. You let out a long sigh before replying. "I'm sorry...You've helped me so much and yet I'm here cussing you."

This time Geto laughed. "It's okay and I understand why you would be suspicious of me and Minami. So don't worry too much about it. Now tell me, how have you been? We've talked here and there but you haven't visited. How is your training going?"

"I wanted to go and speak with you today but I was advised to stay here." And the disappointment was evident in the tone of your voice.

"As much as I want to see you, they are correct. If Kenjaku is behind all of this, it's best if you're protected." He replied, as disappointed as you were.

"Remember you said I had the potential of being a sorcerer?" Hesitant, it was something you don't want to talk about. Perhaps because you were afraid to disappoint him. That had been the purpose of the scholarship he had given you.

"Yes, what's the matter." Perhaps he should have seen it. Sorcerers don't just create curses like you did...

"Well, it seems I'm not one." There should be an explanation, but it was an explanation that maybe he already knew. It was indeed unusual for sorcerers to create curses, not impossible. But it would require plenty of training to be capable of such control of the use of curse energy. And yet you were capable of doing so, naturally.  

"It shouldn't matter as long as you're trying to regain control over the creation of those curses. You've taken a step to better yourself and to protect others. That is what matters. Since we're on that topic, how is your training going?"

"Well," and there it was, a sigh of relief. "Now I'm able to retain my control over my emotions better but I still have more work to do to fully be able to control it. "

And honestly, you missed Geto's laugh, it was comforting. "Then it sounds like you've done a spending job. Keep it up, and if you need to talk or if you ever which to come and see me, you're always very welcome. "

With that, you say your goodbyes heading off to meditate some more. As for Geto, he frowned. Human. It...It wasn't that he was concerned over the fact that you were not a sorcerer. No, it was the involvement Kenjaku had with you. And how, or why was Kenjaku involved? Why did Kenjaku gain from suppressing your curse energy? Could it be so you could live undetected? If so manipulate events and people only to have you here in Japan? Why would he allow you to even be at that school? Why would he benefit from it?

Monkeys. Monkeys are vile, breeding curses unconsciously with their negative emotions. And yet they live their lives without knowing the effects their negative emotions have. They live their lives not knowing just how they rely on sorcerers' abilities. Which causes the deaths of sorcerers. It isn't that he hates humans for being humans. No, it is their ignorance of the unknown that made him hate them.

However,  despite being human and despite creating curses you were aware. You go aware and you want to fix it, to fix it by controlling your emotions. You were willing, and that was enough to set you apart from all those monkeys. And even then, if you didn't have those abilities, and even if you had no idea that sorcerers or curses existed. You stood out, during the time you two spent together, he understood there was willingness and kindness to you.

If he had told you hints of his world, and why they exist, why curses exist you would act the same way. You would try to find a way and control your emotions. Not for your benefit but to not harm others. Not to harm those who would have to fave your curses your negative emotions would form. And even then, he wasn't sure he would be able to have an ounce of that hatred he had for those miserable monkeys, against you.

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