Watch over me

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Void vanished immediately briefly appearing for split seconds whilst rapidly approaching her. She looked around trying to figure out where he was.

She stomped on the ground creating a thick sheet of ice in hopes he'd slip. But to her surprise, she saw patches of ice melting leaving a trail behind her. She quickly spun around to prevent a sneak attack but was shocked when Void wasn't there.

" ABOVE?!" She quickly looked up seeing Void descending with a flaming axe kick she managed to block the attack with her claymore but noticed not only a crack forming on the blade along with shattering the floor beneath her.

Their eyes locked for a second he saw her the real Angel in an instant he vanished in flames reappearing behind her his body contorting as he slammed his leg into her side launching her through the forest and destroying every tree she crashed into.

He looked at the father who smiled and crossed his arms "What?" He asked the young shade. "I knew I wasn't wrong. My eyes said she's Angel but my soul sensed another. Who is it"

The father smirked "You are the real deal kid. Angel would've died if she wasn't fixed, so I kept her corpse on ice so to speak till I got the body of someone who desperately wanted to be close to you The devil lily Anna Kilson heard of her?"

If Akira had functioning eyes they would've widened. "A-Anna? She was from my day her family died and she left...but the devil Lily was a serial killer who was killed by a small army after a rampage...." Akira explained.

The father nodded "Yep her idol was Void. She desperately wanted to be his number two and thought if she killed enough he'd find her and baptise her in flames" Everyone looked at Void who looked towards a re-approaching Angel

"Then I'll grant both of their wishes."

Angel swung the blade just as she was close enough but Void ducked his wings piercing her chest as he stared into her eyes. "First I'll deal with you...Angel"

It was dark
The sky was darker
The murky black sea yet darker

Void frowned as his eyes met Angel. This one was undeniably the real Angel. She was desperately trying to sink into the sea but the Grimm-like hands pushing her up denying her. As Void approached the sea gladly accepting him she began to plead with the hands trying not to face him "Please! Please!"

She froze as he stood directly in front of her slowly looking up to see his disheartened expression "Heh..looks like I'm still causing trouble for you..." she rubbed her arm nervously as he crossed his arms silently. "I...I just missed you..."

Still no response "I..I just wanted to stay with you! Am I in the wrong for that?! I never want you to forget me! You're all I have!! I..."

The sea rippled as her tears fell even them not being accepted by the liquid Grimm. She noticed Void kneel in front of her placing a hand on her shoulder.

"You stupid little could I forget the first friend I made after being dragged through hell? I'll remember you till I grow old... us shades live a longgg life you know" he said causing her to laugh nervously "Will you remember me when you're a Grimm grandpa?" She asked

"Even when I'm a great great Grimm grandpa" he joked "Hahaha no way you'll get that old!" She said from giggles "Hehe...I guess I was being selfish..."

"There's nothing wrong with being selfish..." he reassured. "But weaponising your feelings is dangerous...they make you bitter and hold resentment. They force your soul to become restless..." he said.

Angel looked down nodding. "I guess I'm not ready to let go of the past..." She felt Void place a fist on her chest "You don't let go of the past, a part of it resides inside you no matter what.." he said moving his hand to reveal a black flame flickering from her chest. She smiled and held him "Thank you...for everything..."

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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