14 | Unwanted.

254 16 3

Trigger warning: Self Harm!

Dad hadn't been happy when Andie came home a few days later. Her cheek still stung from the slap she'd received a few hours earlier. He rarely slapped her, but when he did it always hurt.

Scarlett had reluctantly driven Andie home after her dad had threatened to call the cops and report Andie as kidnapped. They sat in the parking lot for a few minutes in silence. Andie hadn't cried, mostly for Scarlett. She didn't want her mother to feel even worse about leaving her there.

"I'm going to be fine." Andie had told her before stepping out of the car and closing the door behind her.

She didn't look back as she walked towards the entrance to the apartment complex. Tears were streaming down her face now that Scarlett couldn't see them.

The apartment felt stale when she stepped inside. Her dad was sitting at the dinner table, eyes blazing at her. The air was hot and tainted, feeling dirty as Andie breathed it in.

After yelling at her for a solid 30 minutes he finished his scolding off with a slap against her cheek and sent her off to her room. She had done everything in her power not to cry, knowing that if she did it would get even worse.

"And don't go around lying about Ryle!" He yelled after her.

That was what broke the camels back. Her vision became tunneled as she closed her room door behind her. She had one thing on her mind and that thing was in the corner of the second drawer from the top. The wooden box screeched as she pulled it out with too much force, making it tumble onto the floor. Andie watched as the content poured out on her gray carpet. A pair of scissors, two notebooks, a pencil case and finally the thing she was searching for. The blue lighter.

The blue plastic was cool against her skin when she picked it up. It made a sound as she flicked it on, watching as the flame danced in front of her. The flame died as her thumb let go of the trigger. Slipping it into her pocket, she turned her focus to the gauze on her left arm. It stung when she ripped it off, her skin red and irritated from the tape.

The flame danced when it came alive again. Andie moved it to her lower arm.

"One," her voice quivered.

"two," nothing yet

"three," a small sting

"four," the sting grew

"five," it stung more

"six," finally the sting moved over to a burning sensation

"seven," her heart picked up

"eight," her skin almost tingled behind the pain

"nine," Andie closed her eyes


The relief was instant, her mind finally quieting as her arm ached. A small price to pay for something big, silence.


She never cleaned it, the wound. It started slow, the infection, but it grew quickly. The big burn on her lower arm soon turned a yellow shade as the infection grew and took over. Andie liked to think that it was her guilt consuming her.

Dressed in a long sleeved shirt and a pair of joggers, Andie went to school. Lilly avoided her as per usual but she didn't see Maddie. Andie guessed that she must still be at home after the accident so she didn't ask. So she spent two days at school, eating lunch in the library and not talking to anyone.

"You can't come home when I have someone over!" Her dad screamed when his new girlfriend finally left.

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