18 | Maybe not for me.

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The following days consisted of Andie not really doing anything besides sitting in bed. Andie felt herself detaching from everything around her. The world hurt, everything did. It was too loud and she couldn't get it to quiet down. On top of that both Rose and Cosmo had gone down with the flu. Yeah, great.

Andie spent her days in her new room whilst her mother and Colin ran around the house caring for her younger siblings. They both had fevers and threw up which made Scarlett and Colin even more stressed. And whilst her younger siblings had the flu of the century, Scarlett was also trying to regain her custody of Andie which meant a lot of phone calls with lawyers.

Colin had come up to Andie's room with a plate of chicken Alfredo which somehow hurt even more. Andie hadn't spoken to her mother in two days and she was getting fed up. Colin hadn't noticed though, he had simply dumped the plate on Andie's desk before disappearing again.

Even though the chicken was very tasty, Andie couldn't bring herself to eat more than a few bites. Her guilt and anxiety taking up most of the space in her otherwise empty stomach.

Admitting defeat, Andie made her way out from her room. The stairs didn't creak when she stepped on them. When she got to the front door, she slipped on her sneakers and silently slid out. Not to her surprise, no one noticed. Andie clicked on 'Do Not Disturb' on her phone and started strolling down the street. The sun was on its way down from the sky to be replaced by the moon. Everything glowed in shades of orange and yellow. Andie walked along a road for a while before she found a park. By now it was late and almost empty, except for two ten year old girls playing by the swing set.

A bench was placed in the middle of the grass field, facing the sundown. Andie sat down with a small sigh and looked up at the sky. All the negative thorough came flooding back in one big wave. Maybe her mom didn't care? Why should she? Andie was forced upon her by a man that hurt her more than words could describe. Her other children wasn't, and they got to grow up with a loving mother and a loving father. Andie never had neither until now. But Scarlett didn't really have the time for her. Not anymore at least.

The girls at the swing set left after a while so Andie took their place on a single black swing. The metal creaked when she started swinging it back and forwards. Her red converse brushed the grass sometimes, making a calming swishing sound in the otherwise silent evening. Andie watched the sun set before she decided to go back. The walk back felt the same, almost a little bit heavier than before. It was like she wasn't supposed to go back there. Andie belonged in her dad's crappy apartment in Hartford, not in a big villa in New York with her rich mom. No, her life before wasn't perfect, but she at least felt like she fit in. Here everything was different and she didn't know who to be.

The front door clicked open and at first everything was silent. That didn't last for long though before Scarlett came rushing towards her. Something felt off in Andie and by looking at her mother, she knew something was off.

"Where have you been?" Scarlett snapped, eyes blazing.

Andie flinched at the sound if her raised voice.

"I just went on a walk."

"You can't just leave like that!" Scarlett raised her voice slightly more, making Andie shrink below it.

"Sorry." She whispered, eyes still on the floor.

"'Sorry' doesn't help me stressing about you for the past hour Andie!" Her mother glared down at the girl.

Andie wanted to cry, but she knew better. Instead, she bit her lip and blinked the tears away.

"I'm stressed enough with Rose and Cosmo being sick and with you and your custody. I did not need this!"

Deception | Scarlett Johansson x DaughterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz